
Hestrastenen is a mythical and fantastic boulder that is well worth a visit. The boulder is even featured in the Borås Climbing Club's logo. It is partly visible (when the trees are bare) along road 180 from Borås towards Alingsås (approximately 2 km northwest of Borås).

The approach is minimal and the landings are good. There are a number of problems that are of a very high standard in the 6-grade range. All problems are top-out. The juggy problem 'UppochNer' (4) is the "easiest" way down.


The main contributors to the development during the latter half of the 1990s were Johan Schollin, Ulf Mälkki/Ahlberg, Anders Holmin, and Henrik "Salta" Jansson."

Routes on Hestrastenen
26 boulder 9 Likes
Premium topo by Borås Klätterklubb
Ulf Ahlberg
from Borås
Emil Kraft
from Timmele
Apostolos Symeonidis
from Sweden