Painkiller thumbnail
8B Boulder at Okapy
Partacz thumbnail
8A Boulder at Golem
Carnajs - Zberezina Combo thumbnail
Pryzmat SD thumbnail
Pryzmat SD
8A Boulder at Dziób
Archimedes SD thumbnail
Archimedes SD
8A Boulder at Dziób
Achilles SD thumbnail
Achilles SD
8A Boulder at Dziób
Rewers thumbnail
8A Boulder at Dziurawiec
Precier SD thumbnail
Precier SD
7C+ Boulder at Mechagodzilla
Carnajs thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Ogr
Rubikon SD thumbnail
Rubikon SD
7C+ Boulder at Okapy
Fiasko low thumbnail
Fiasko low
7C+ Boulder at Golem
Zielony Muppet thumbnail
Muppet Show thumbnail
Venom thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Venom
Atomek Extension thumbnail
Atomek Extension
7C+ Boulder at Monstrum
Robaki z Dupy thumbnail
Robaki z Dupy
7C Boulder at Robak
Szczury Bojowe thumbnail
Szczury Bojowe
7C Boulder at Robak
Gorily v Mlze thumbnail
Gorily v Mlze
7C Boulder at Robak
Fiasko thumbnail
7C Boulder at Golem
Sześcian thumbnail
7C Boulder at Okapy
Archimedes thumbnail
7C Boulder at Dziób
Dziurawiec thumbnail
7C Boulder at Dziurawiec
Achilles thumbnail
7C Boulder at Dziób
Martwy Ciąg thumbnail
Martwy Ciąg
7C Boulder at Venom
Hipnotyzer prawy thumbnail
Hipnotyzer prawy
7C Boulder at Królik
Pieniacz thumbnail
7C Boulder at Mechagodzilla
Zberezina - Carnajs Combo thumbnail
Kancik thumbnail
7C Boulder at Kancik
Lewa gangrena thumbnail
Lewa gangrena
7C Boulder at Królik
Dron thumbnail
7C Boulder at Okapy
Lubrykant thumbnail
7C Boulder at Okapy
Kalinka SD thumbnail
Kalinka SD
7C Boulder at Okapy
Rozpiździaj thumbnail
7C Boulder at Robak
Mea pulpa SD  thumbnail
Fiksum dyrdum  thumbnail
Unik w prawo  thumbnail
Unik w prawo
7C Boulder at Uniki
Super Chude Szczury thumbnail
Super Chude Szczury
7B+ Boulder at Robak
Olimp Klusek thumbnail
Zberezina thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Ogr
Pryzmat thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Dziób
Kolekcjoner thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Ogr
Krzywulec thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Królik
Kolanko Show thumbnail
Mista dabolina  thumbnail
Rubikon thumbnail
7B Boulder at Okapy
Olo juz to robił thumbnail
Olo juz to robił
7B Boulder at Ogr
Chude Szczury thumbnail
Chude Szczury
7B Boulder at Robak
Przecier thumbnail
7B Boulder at Mechagodzilla
Mea pulpa thumbnail
Mea pulpa
7B Boulder at Mechagodzilla
Mechogodzilla SD thumbnail
No topo image available
7B Boulder at Monstrum
Olimpusek thumbnail
7B Boulder at Mechagodzilla
Niby Nic Extension thumbnail
Niby Nic Extension
7B Boulder at Okapy
Przyczajony Tygrys Extension thumbnail
Hathajoga thumbnail
7B Boulder at Tygrysek
Joga thumbnail
7B Boulder at Tygrysek
Gangrena wprost thumbnail
Gangrena wprost
7B Boulder at Królik
Hipnotyzer Lewy thumbnail
Hipnotyzer Lewy
7B Boulder at Królik
Prawy zielony szlak thumbnail
Klub Konesera thumbnail
Klub Konesera
7B Boulder at Ogr
Tarantoga thumbnail
7B Boulder at Golem
Mały Sprawdzian thumbnail
Mały Sprawdzian
7B Boulder at Strzęp
Krzywe Prawo thumbnail
Krzywe Prawo
7B Boulder at Królik
Kumple Czipsy Kola SD thumbnail
Robak thumbnail
7B Boulder at Robak
Prusakolep thumbnail
7B Boulder at Pocharatka
PolWpierdol  thumbnail
Pomponik  thumbnail
Slabość nie radość  thumbnail
Dabaj thumbnail
7B Boulder at Minutka
Mechogodzilla thumbnail
Certyfikat Koszerności thumbnail
Patodeweloperka thumbnail
Lotos thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Tygrysek
Kremowe rurki  thumbnail
W ciul daleko thumbnail
W ciul daleko
7A+ Boulder at Tygrysek
Czernina thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Kancik
Zprawa pieniacza  thumbnail
Kamień pod dupą thumbnail
Kamień pod dupą
7A+ Boulder at Kubuś
Deseo thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Tygrysek
Trawersjada thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Uniki
Wielki Kombak thumbnail
Wielki Kombak
7A+ Boulder at Wyjście Smoka
Oczka jak szparki thumbnail
Tablica Mantelejewa thumbnail
Unik w lewo  thumbnail
Unik w lewo
7A+ Boulder at Uniki
Siad Włoski  thumbnail
Siad Włoski
7A+ Boulder at Pocharatka
Romantyczny Ryzykancik thumbnail
Zadzior thumbnail
7A Boulder at Pocharatka
Kotlet slabowy  thumbnail
Kotlet slabowy
7A Boulder at Uniki
Napięcie na pięcie thumbnail
Napięcie na pięcie
7A Boulder at Okapy
Na pięcie rośnie thumbnail
Na pięcie rośnie
7A Boulder at Królik
Gangrena thumbnail
7A Boulder at Królik
Bankai thumbnail
7A Boulder at Rondo
Krzywulec 1/2 thumbnail
Krzywulec 1/2
7A Boulder at Królik
Pomysłowy Dobromir thumbnail
Pocharatka thumbnail
7A Boulder at Pocharatka
Spaleni Słońcem thumbnail
Kordylina SD thumbnail
Kordylina SD
7A Boulder at Kubuś
Bezgłośna kuracja thumbnail
Przyczajony Tygrys thumbnail
Przyczajony Tygrys
7A Boulder at Okapy
Kamienna Góra

The area is access sensitive!

⚠️ Due to the high intensity of climbing traffic in Kamienna Góra, and the consequent adverse effect on the condition of the forest and the relationship between the Bystrzyca Kłodzka Forest District (Kamienna Góra Forestry) and climbers, we would like to remind you of some basic rules regarding behaviour in the area.

🚫 The following apply:

- ban on burning fires in the forest,
- no staying in the sector after dark,
- order to leave cars only in permitted areas,
- an obligation to clean boulders from chalk after climbing!

🅿️ Suitable parking spots are marked on the map 🗺️.

During the 2015 site visit, stones were designated where climbing is permitted. All these stones will be included in this topo. It is forbidden to clear new stones without the permission of the Forestry Commission!

⚠️ In July 2015, at the request of the Forestry Inspectorate, we requested the RDOŚ Wrocław to interpret the nature protection regulations with regard to climbing in the Kamienna Góra area. The response of the RDOŚ is not clear, nevertheless it indicates the dangers of bouldering and the basic rules of behaviour.

🌲 The Forestry Commission has approached us with a proposal to conclude an agreement regulating climbing in Kamienna Góra, which will include the following necessary conditions, i.e:

- apart from PZA, the Bystrzyca Kłodzka Commune will also be a party to the agreement;

- making and accepting by the Forest Inspectorate the natural inventory of the 8220 habitat by a phytosociologist specialist in terms of indicating places designated for climbing; the cost of making the expert opinion will be borne by the interested party;

- formulation of rules and regulations for the use of the said area by climbers together with the definition of the civil and legal liability of the users of the area in case of dangerous events and accidents;

- marking the area in question with a view to making the area available for climbing.

IŚW „Nasze Skały”