No special access issues

You can drive here in about 1,5 hours from the nearest important cities: Ramnicu Valcea - 69 km, Petrosani - 83 km or Sibiu - 101 km.
The Latorita Valley starts from Ciungetu locality, where crag marker is posted on the map.
The road along the valley is practicable all year long, except winters with massive snows.
The approach is very easy, almost all the boulders can be seen near the road, sometimes over the river.
Because the valley is quite narrow, distances to boulders and between them are very short, so there is no need for GPS trails.
Orientation of the valley is West - East, so you can choose to climb in sun or shade depending on the day time and position of the boulders.
After rain, boulders will dry in a few hours, but the best conditions will be the next day.
Once you entered the valley the cell phone signal disappears, so save boulders locations on the map or write it down as follows.
Distances to every boulder/ sector from the crag marker posted on the map (Ciungetu - Hidro Power Plant "Dorin Pavel"):
- Reset 2.2 km - on the right;
- Normandy 2.7 km - on the left;
- Joker 4.8 km - on the right;
- Delir 5.1 km - on the left;
- Dreamtime/ Escape/ Johnny English/ Hulk 5.4 km - on the left, across the river;
- Joker II 6.5 km - on the right ,100 m in the woods;
- Shazam 7.1 km - on the right, 5 m above the road;
- Dumbo 8.2 km - on the right, across the river;
- Valerica 9.2 km - on the right, across the river;
- Figaro/ Free Again/ Dreams/ / Revolution/ BonDuel 10 km on the right, Dreams and BonDuel boulders across the river;
- Dupremont 12 km - on the right, across the river.
- North Face 12.5 km - on the right.
There are small parkings along the road in every sector.
Have fun!


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email