
51 boulder

Climbing has been limited

Santahamina is a closed military area. You will need a special permit to enter the area. It is easy to get to Santahamina by car from Herttoniemi to Laajasalo and from there by Laajasalontie to Santah... Read more

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Climbing has been limited!

Santahamina is a closed military area. You will need a special permit to enter the area.

It is easy to get to Santahamina by car from Herttoniemi to Laajasalo and from there by Laajasalontie to Santahaminantie. The journey by car from Helsinki takes only 20 minutes. If you come by public transport, get off at Herttoniemi metro station and hop on bus number 86.

Go bouldering only with a knowledgeable guide as there are shooting ranges and other prohibited dangerous areas in the island.