No special access issues
Park between Borgundtunnelen and Seltatunnelen. Walk along the river until a gravel road goes up to the left. Follow this road for about 200 m. Approximately 10 min Read more
Activities on this crag
- Ove Skagen • 9 months agoupdated his tick list- Sensei sds 8A
- Reka 7A+
- Far, but not too far! 7C - Michael Skurek • 11 months agoupdated his to-do list- Den Flygende Kineser 7A
- Nose job 6A
- Alt til sin tid 7A - Mantas Vaidelis • 1 year agoupdated his tick list- Steine Cowork 5+
- Outdoor Office 6A
- Kriminelle Erna 6A+
- Feierabendbier 6A
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