No special access issues

🚗 Instructions by car
From highway E12, take exit 15 to Hyvinkää. Turn north-west and drive 9km towards Hyvinkää city. Turn left to "Martti" (sillankorvankatu) and continue on that road for 2km. When you see "K-Market" on your right turn right to (Tapainlinankatu) and drive 1,5km until you see "Tanssikallio daycare" on your right.
You can park your car at the daycares parking lot in the evening (after 17:00), but during hours 7:00-17:00, you should use parking beside the road about 100metres before daycare.

🚶‍♂️Access by foot
From the daycare walk about 100 meters on the dirt road. At the crossroads walk straight into the woods following the trail all the way to the rocks.


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email