
Three sectors that have routes for intermediate and beginner climbers. For advanced climbers, there are few projects that can have grades somewhere between 7a and 7c.
Rock angle varies from slab to slight overhang -10°to +10°. The rock quality is mostly good but some small rocks might come off during winter so climb with caution after winter.
The rocks are located in the forest so it might take a day or two to dry after heavy rain. Can be reached on foot or by bicycle. Comfort and dry access by the forest trail. The area is fairly compact so all sectors can be climbed with one visit.


Found by Mika Kovanen and Atte Kovanen in 2020.

Routes on Tanssikallio Hyvinkää
27 boulder 6 Likes
Herbert Toffelhausen
from Pukaro
Valtteri Peltoranta
from Hyvinkää
Markus Lindfors
from Jokela, Finland