Reinkarnaatio thumbnail
Tussari thumbnail
7a Sport at Reimankallio
Puun  takaa thumbnail
Puun takaa
7a Traditional at Reimankallio
No topo image available
6c+ Traditional at Reimankallio
Koski-Jyrkynen thumbnail
Epäsuora vapaapotku thumbnail
Kahva thumbnail
6c Sport at Reimankallio
Kahva variaatio thumbnail
Hyttyskuolema thumbnail
6b+ Traditional at Reimankallio
Pienetkulkuset thumbnail
6b Traditional at Reimankallio
Put Your Hands in my Pocket thumbnail
Jippo liukastus thumbnail
Jippo liukastus
6a+ Traditional at Reimankallio
Leibäkki thumbnail
6a+ Sport at Reimankallio
Lista thumbnail
6a+ Sport at Reimankallio
Korva thumbnail
6a Sport at Reimankallio
Kutiona thumbnail
6a Sport at Reimankallio
Makiaa Kakkua thumbnail
Kattokruunu thumbnail
5+ Traditional at Reimankallio
Rajakokemus thumbnail
Porraskäytävä thumbnail
Kantti thumbnail
4+ Traditional at Reimankallio
Trident thumbnail
4+ Traditional at Reimankallio
Pala Kakkua thumbnail
Free Heuco thumbnail

Climbing has been limited!

The area is now nature conservation area but the climbing is allowed


1. Climbing only between the marked routes.
2. No climbing to the left of current routes nor to the right of the current routes.
3. Take your trash out and take the extra rubbish left by someone else, too.
4. No parking on the lots of neighbouring buildings. It the road is full, park further and walk.
5. Train + bike is a perfect combination. Only 10 mins from Korso station.
6. As agreed with the city, no additional bolting and no destruction of current bolts.
7. The crag is a wilderness area. There are plenty of bolts but also some loose rock. Take care!

Enjoy! This a very special crag with very unique funky holds!

PS. Parking is not allowed on the big gravel field in the end of the road. Vantaa city might charge you 60 euro if you park there.