
Yearly top 10 averages
7B+ 0 0 0
7B 5 0 5
7A+ 9 0 9
7A 21 1 20
6C+ 23 0 23
6C 58 7 51
6B+ 46 6 40
6B 78 15 63
6A+ 1 0 1
6A 1 1 0
5+ 0 0 0
Ascent date
Ascent type
7A Boulder at Campusblocket
Difficult to grade, first move is the hardest. Super nice and kind of unique problem!
7A Campusblocket Boulder 2012-10-28
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Jumkil
Assis, hard catch to small crimp on the right, surprisingly good problem.
6C+ Jumkil Boulder 2012-10-27
Red point
Red point
Ursäkta röran
6C Boulder at Resta
2nd try, very soft
6C Resta Boulder 2012-09-09
Red point
Red point
Malin, borstfantast
6B+ Boulder at Lagerbäcken
Swingstart, mantel straight up on upper slab
6B+ Lagerbäcken Boulder 2012-09-08
FA Red point
FA Red point
6B+ Boulder at Rörbo
6C (6B+) Rörbo Boulder 2012-09-08
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Rörbo
assis, reachy
6C (6C+) Rörbo Boulder 2012-09-08
Red point
Red point
Mega mouth
small dyno behind panic room
6C FIELDS OF JOY - Bouldering, Sport & Trad Climbing Boulder 2012-09-04
Red point
Red point
Finders keepers
assis, cruxy not to dab rock in first move
7A 8 DAY RAIN - Bouldering & Trad Boulder 2012-08-29
Red point
Red point
Scorpions and mushrooms
assis, smallish roof on top of bolder
6B+ (6C) FIELDS OF JOY - Bouldering, Sport & Trad Climbing Boulder 2012-08-27
Red point
Red point
F. EMF 1879
6B Boulder at TEAGARDEN - Bouldering
assis, strange and cool line
6B TEAGARDEN - Bouldering Boulder 2012-08-25
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Powerline Section
assis, cool line, sweet moves
6C+ Powerline Section Boulder 2012-08-24
Red point
Red point
Hueco face
assis, cool
6B+ 8 DAY RAIN - Bouldering & Trad Boulder 2012-08-21
Red point
Red point
Olli Düsentrieb
6C+ Boulder at ROADCREW - Bouldering
assis, 2-finger pocket
6C+ ROADCREW - Bouldering Boulder 2012-08-18
Red point
Red point
Chinese food and chocolate pudding
ugly line with fun moves
6C 8 DAY RAIN - Bouldering & Trad Boulder 2012-08-17
Red point
Red point
Duck a l'orange (Duck with orange)
assis, roof on jugs
6B FORTRESS - Bouldering, Sport & Trad Climbing Boulder 2012-08-13
Red point
Red point
Jos le beau gosse (Jos the handsome kid)
assis, awkward, very soft
7A+ FORTRESS - Bouldering, Sport & Trad Climbing Boulder 2012-08-13
Red point
Red point
Supa ape inna jungel
assis, nice line
6B+ FORTRESS - Bouldering, Sport & Trad Climbing Boulder 2012-08-13
Super Schanntall
7A+ Boulder at CHAMPSITE - Bouldering
assis, very, very soft (the grade, not the holds...)
7A+ CHAMPSITE - Bouldering Boulder 2012-08-10
Red point
Red point
nice, soft
6B+ THE FRENCH SIDE - Bouldering Boulder 2012-08-10
Slave Battle
assis, tricky heel-dyno, nice
6C (6C+) BONUS BOULDERS - Bouldering & Trad Boulder 2012-08-08
Red point
Red point
Horny devil
6B+ Boulder at PLATEAU - Bouldering
6B+ PLATEAU - Bouldering Boulder 2012-08-08
Red point
Red point
Girl on our mind
6C Boulder at PLATEAU - Bouldering
assis, pumpy
6B+ (6C) PLATEAU - Bouldering Boulder 2012-08-08
Red point
Red point
To Siemay
assis, pretty line, evil slots
6C+ 8 DAY RAIN - Bouldering & Trad Boulder 2012-08-07
Red point
Red point
6B 8 DAY RAIN - Bouldering & Trad Boulder 2012-08-07
Red point
Red point
Source of frustration
6B Boulder at TEAGARDEN - Bouldering
6B TEAGARDEN - Bouldering Boulder 2012-08-04
Red point
Red point
assis, technical and nice
6C DIHEDRAL BOULDERS - Bouldering Boulder 2012-08-04
Red point
Red point
Mr. Pink
7A+ Boulder at CHAMPSITE - Bouldering
One star for each move!
7A+ CHAMPSITE - Bouldering Boulder 2012-08-03
Red point
Red point
Helmet Hair
sit and pull low-ball
6C ROADSIDE - Bouldering & Sport Climbing Boulder 2012-08-01
Red point
Red point
Secret to Olive's Preserve Cupboard Direct
7A ROADSIDE - Bouldering & Sport Climbing Boulder 2012-08-01
Red point
Red point
Roadside traverse
6B+ (6C) ROADSIDE - Bouldering & Sport Climbing Boulder 2012-08-01
Dynamic duo
6C Boulder at CAMPGROUND - Bouldering
6C CAMPGROUND - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-29
Red point
Red point
Shit Brickhouse
6C Boulder at CAMPGROUND - Bouldering
6C CAMPGROUND - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-29
Red point
Red point
Pull my finger
6C Boulder at CAMPGROUND - Bouldering
assis, nice, soft
6B+ (6C) CAMPGROUND - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-29
Red point
Red point
Moon fucks Moffat
6A Boulder at ROADCREW - Bouldering
5+ (6A) ROADCREW - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-27
Á Gauche De La Lune
6B Boulder at ROADCREW - Bouldering
assis, tricky
6B ROADCREW - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-27
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at ROADCREW - Bouldering
assis dabcrux
6B ROADCREW - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-27
Under Control
6C Boulder at PLATEAU - Bouldering
assis, trickier then it looks
6C PLATEAU - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-26
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at RIVERSIDE - Bouldering
crouch, very soft
6C RIVERSIDE - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-25
Red point
Red point
Crazy leg
assis, muthafukking great! very soft but oh so sweet
7B 8 DAY RAIN - Bouldering & Trad Boulder 2012-07-24
Red point
Red point
Orange Heart
6C Boulder at ROADCREW - Bouldering
assis, perfect line on perfect holds on perfect rock!
6C ROADCREW - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-24
Red point
Red point
Stone Free crouch
6B+ Boulder at ROADCREW - Bouldering
6B+ ROADCREW - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-24
Red point
Red point
Mary's Roof
6B Boulder at ROADCREW - Bouldering
assis, right exit, left is easier
6B+ (6B) ROADCREW - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-24
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at PLATEAU - Bouldering
should have flashed, but was to scared to shove my fingers into the Guillotine :)
6C PLATEAU - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-23
Red point
Red point
Jungle gym
6B Boulder at CAMPGROUND - Bouldering
assis, eliminate
6B CAMPGROUND - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-22
Red point
Red point
Use your rudder
assis, cool problem, nice line
6B (6B+) UPPER CAMPGROUND - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-22
Red point
Red point
Buchu babe
6B Boulder at CHAMPSITE - Bouldering
6B CHAMPSITE - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-18
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at CHAMPSITE - Bouldering
6B CHAMPSITE - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-18
Bone, Thugs-n-Harmony
6B Boulder at CHAMPSITE - Bouldering
6B CHAMPSITE - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-18
Viva la raza (Long live our race)
6C+ Boulder at CHAMPSITE - Bouldering
assis, soft
6C+ CHAMPSITE - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-18
Red point
Red point
Trackside arête
assis, soft
6C 8 DAY RAIN - Bouldering & Trad Boulder 2012-07-17
Track Back
assis, sharp, soft
6C+ (6B+) 8 DAY RAIN - Bouldering & Trad Boulder 2012-07-17
Red point
Red point
Sale in execution 
6C FIELDS OF JOY - Bouldering, Sport & Trad Climbing Boulder 2012-07-16
Red point
Red point
Surprise fall from top on flash attempt. Great!
6C FIELDS OF JOY - Bouldering, Sport & Trad Climbing Boulder 2012-07-16
Red point
Red point
Just done it
assis, crimpy
6C ROADSIDE - Bouldering & Sport Climbing Boulder 2012-07-15
Assis, great problem
6C ROADSIDE - Bouldering & Sport Climbing Boulder 2012-07-15
Red point
Red point
6B ROADSIDE - Bouldering & Sport Climbing Boulder 2012-07-15
Red point
Red point
Pinch me baby one more time
6B ROADSIDE - Bouldering & Sport Climbing Boulder 2012-07-15
Red point
Red point
Pre-teen bikini
6B Boulder at PLATEAU - Bouldering
6B PLATEAU - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-14
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at PLATEAU - Bouldering
assis, big move, nice
6B+ PLATEAU - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-14
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at PLATEAU - Bouldering
6B PLATEAU - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-14
Red point
Red point
Boerewors (Farmer's sausage)
6B+ Boulder at PLATEAU - Bouldering
6B+ PLATEAU - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-14
Red point
Red point
6B 8 DAY RAIN - Bouldering & Trad Boulder 2012-07-12
Red point
Red point
The Golden Rail
assis, sweet!
6C 8 DAY RAIN - Bouldering & Trad Boulder 2012-07-12
Red point
Red point
The golden child
assis, very soft
6B 8 DAY RAIN - Bouldering & Trad Boulder 2012-07-12
Joke of the day
6B Boulder at PLATEAU - Bouldering
6B PLATEAU - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-11
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at PLATEAU - Bouldering
6B+ (6C) PLATEAU - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-11
Coal Chamber
6B+ Boulder at PLATEAU - Bouldering
Assis, very nice problem
6B+ PLATEAU - Bouldering Boulder 2012-07-11
6B Boulder at Pukeberget
Stand start, soft
6B Pukeberget Boulder 2012-06-13
FA Red point
FA Red point
Who downgrades?
6B+ Boulder at Pukeberget
6B+ Pukeberget Boulder 2012-06-13
FA Red point
FA Red point
6B+ Boulder at Resta
assis, good problem
6B+ Resta Boulder 2012-06-06
FA Red point
FA Red point
6B Boulder at Gunnarsklint
6B Gunnarsklint Boulder 2012-05-27
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Djupviksgrottorna
6C Djupviksgrottorna Boulder 2012-05-26
Red point
Red point
Chip it, chip it good
6C Boulder at Resta
6C Resta Boulder 2012-05-20
FA Red point
FA Red point
6C+ Boulder at Fågelberget
nice problem
6C+ Fågelberget Boulder 2012-05-19
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Fågelberget
Dyno, ok problem, not 7b
6B (6B+) Fågelberget Boulder 2012-05-19
Red point
Red point
Mister T, not
6C Boulder at Fågelberget
don't know if this line in the picture is mister t, but it's not 7a. I did the "dyno" version
5+ (6C) Fågelberget Boulder 2012-05-19
Fasans makt
6B Boulder at Focksta
Stand start, nice
6B Focksta Boulder 2012-05-13
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Focksta
6C Focksta Boulder 2012-05-13
Red point
Red point
Ride my face to Chicago
6B Boulder at Focksta
6B Focksta Boulder 2012-05-13
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Åkers styckebruk
stand, soft
6C Åkers styckebruk Boulder 2012-05-07
Red point
Red point
Lilla Bleau
6B Boulder at Kjugekull
low sit start, small but nice problem
6B Kjugekull Boulder 2012-04-30
Red point
Red point
Salt lakrits
6B Boulder at Kjugekull
dyno from sit start. nice
6B Kjugekull Boulder 2012-04-30
Red point
Red point
Aldrig vid min svans
7A Boulder at Höversby
sitstart krux.
6C (7A) Höversby Boulder 2012-04-28
Red point
Red point
nn 2
6B Boulder at Höversby
assis, straight up without gaston jug to left. nice!
6B Höversby Boulder 2012-04-28
Calma piatta
6B Boulder at Chironico South
assis, sloper ramp
6B Chironico South Boulder 2012-04-09
Red point
Red point
Café de la gare
6B+ Boulder at Chironico South
assis, nice line on big holds, soft, did it campus
6B+ Chironico South Boulder 2012-04-09
Red point
Red point
Left one
6A+ Boulder at Chironico South
assis in small roof up on high and easy slab
6B (6A+) Chironico South Boulder 2012-04-09
Red point
Red point
Edizioni Limitate
7A Boulder at Chironico South
assis, sit start crux, then a couple of nice moves
7A Chironico South Boulder 2012-04-09
Red point
Red point
Pinin e cativ right
6B Boulder at Chironico South
assis, crux is not to dab, nice moves
6B Chironico South Boulder 2012-04-08
Red point
Red point
NOT Takashi Fukunishi
6B Boulder at Chironico South
assis, pockets, hard
6B Chironico South Boulder 2012-04-08
Red point
Red point
Coma Nein
6B+ Boulder at Chironico South
assis, one move sitstart crux
6B+ Chironico South Boulder 2012-04-08
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Chironico South
stand, nice dyno from crimps
6C Chironico South Boulder 2012-04-08
Red point
Red point
Perfect game
6B Boulder at Chironico South
assis, balance move around arete
6B Chironico South Boulder 2012-04-08
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Chironico South
Assis, nice problem
6B Chironico South Boulder 2012-04-08
Red point
Red point
Los Cursos
7A Boulder at Chironico North
assis, roof dyno, soft
7A Chironico North Boulder 2012-04-06
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Chironico North
assis, eliminate, dyno
6C Chironico North Boulder 2012-04-06
Red point
Red point
Kamel, block 1a
6C Boulder at Magic Wood
assis, nice little dyno
6C Magic Wood Boulder 2012-04-03
Red point
Red point
Jump for beginners
6B Boulder at Chironico North
assis, without left edge/arete, hard
6B Chironico North Boulder 2012-04-02
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Chironico North
Stand start, nice moves, good hight
6B Chironico North Boulder 2012-04-02
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Chironico North
assis, soft, dyno
6C+ Chironico North Boulder 2012-04-02
Red point
Red point