Stand start. Chossy, and fairly tall.
Stand start. Follow jugs to the peak of the boulder.
Start as per "Direttissima". About 2/3 of the way up, follow edges right towards a thin crack, and follow this crack to the top. Highball, with a cruxy top-out.
Stand-start. Use slippery feet and teeny-tiny sidepull/undercling features to climb straight up into "Zoomba"s finish.
Start as per "Right Side Up". Make a few easy moves up, a few crimpy(!) moves left into the thin crack, follow it to the top. Sharp, and hard.
Sit-start. Follow good edges straight up.
Sit-start, follow edges & crimps to the right, then up.
Start at the downclimb, traverse left through edges and crimps into Zoomba, through the crux of Zoomba, past the thin crack, and into Direttissima.