Sit-start on the low jugs/ledges. Press a long move out left to a sloping ledge. From here, press straight up to join the normal finish. You could continue moving left for an easier, chossier exit.
Sit-start on low jugs/ledges. Make a long pull up to the V-notch jug. From here, make a long move left to a good pinch. Finish straight up on good holds. Wingspan may dictate the grade on this one.
Sit-start on low jugs/ledges. Make a long pull up to the V-notch jug. Make another long pull/throw to a sharp edge over the bulge. Top-out straight up. (FA Marcus Norman, 2005)
Sit-start on a low jugs/ledges. Traverse immediately right on small crimps and edges, until you can top out between "Shaolin Buddha Finger" and "Ol' Pranger".
Use the start for Slag Heap and Buddha Finger. Traverse right along crack/seam. Gain the crimp block with your left hand and drift into 'Ol Pranger. Finish on 'Ol Pranger.
One of the best at Big Choss! Sit-start on low jugs/ledges. Make a long pull up to the V-notch jug. Stretch right to a sidepull sloper. Maneuver over the bulge and onto the slab by slapping and smearing whatever combination of ripples and divots you can.
A tough, somewhat awkward start (lay-back, matched on obvious, low side-pull) gives way to a tough, somewhat awkward finish. You'll work harder than you'd like for 3 points!
This one's over before you know it. Sit-start at the base of the crack, make a move or two, and dodge the small tree to top-out.