Lesser Slabside
Lesser Slabside 1 / 1
  • Sit-start on the low jugs/ledges. Press a long move out left to a sloping ledge. From here, press straight up to join the normal finish. You could continue moving left for an easier, chossier exit.
  • Sit-start on low jugs/ledges. Make a long pull up to the V-notch jug. From here, make a long move left to a good pinch. Finish straight up on good holds. Wingspan may dictate the grade on this one.
  • Sit-start on low jugs/ledges. Make a long pull up to the V-notch jug. Make another long pull/throw to a sharp edge over the bulge. Top-out straight up. (FA Marcus Norman, 2005)
  • Sit-start on a low jugs/ledges. Traverse immediately right on small crimps and edges, until you can top out between "Shaolin Buddha Finger" and "Ol' Pranger".
  • Use the start for Slag Heap and Buddha Finger. Traverse right along crack/seam. Gain the crimp block with your left hand and drift into 'Ol Pranger. Finish on 'Ol Pranger.
  • One of the best at Big Choss! Sit-start on low jugs/ledges. Make a long pull up to the V-notch jug. Stretch right to a sidepull sloper. Maneuver over the bulge and onto the slab by slapping and smearing whatever combination of ripples and divots you can.
  • A tough, somewhat awkward start (lay-back, matched on obvious, low side-pull) gives way to a tough, somewhat awkward finish. You'll work harder than you'd like for 3 points!
  • This one's over before you know it. Sit-start at the base of the crack, make a move or two, and dodge the small tree to top-out.