Sit on the rock at the base of the arete (or stand in the pit). Grab a sharp, crimp sidepull on the left side of the arete, and a sidepull edge on the right. Pull on in bunchy position and slap to twin edges higher up on the arete. Finish up "Atlas Stones".
A very powerful, extra low start to "Atlas Stones". Start sitting in the pit with a very low left hand divot (a key foot on Fingal's and Conan's), and whatever you can grab with your right (the best hold seems to be a fragile 2/3-finger tooth). A heel or toe on the start jug of Conan's is useful.
Sit-start using the hanging jug. Make a couple of strong moves up to a leftwards traverse on crimps. Gun for the arete, work your way out of the pit, and finish on "Hussafel Stone".
Sit-start in the cave, climb up to crimps, then the rounded ledge, then cheat death as you scale the tall, chossy face.
The full-value traverse! Sit-start at the right end of the cave, matched on the obvious sloping mini-ledge. Move up and left to a crimper traverse, through a crux of getting to the arete and out of the pit, then finish all the way left on "Pillars".