
Yearly top 10 averages
8a+ 0 0 0 0 0
8a 3 0 0 3 0
7c+ 4 0 0 4 0
7c 2 0 0 2 0
7b+ 8 1 1 5 1
7b 21 2 0 19 0
7a+ 31 9 2 19 1
7a 2 2 0 0 0
6c+ 10 1 2 7 0
6c 6 2 2 2 0
6b+ 12 1 3 8 0
6b 1 0 0 1 0
6a+ 0 0 0 0 0
6a 0 0 0 0 0
5+ 1 0 0 1 0
Ascent date
Ascent type
7a+ Sport at Smith Rock State Park
7a+ Smith Rock State Park Sport 2018-11-12
Times Up
8a Sport at Smith Rock State Park
8a Smith Rock State Park Sport 2018-11-12
Red point
Red point
Panic Attack
7a+ Sport at Smith Rock State Park
Sick!!! #30
7a+ Smith Rock State Park Sport 2018-11-10
Red point
Red point
Slit Your Wrists
8a Sport at Smith Rock State Park
Quite fun. I think I learned more from The Blade than the crux boulder problem on Slit. Hard moves down low, thoughtful moves up high. #29
8a Smith Rock State Park Sport 2018-11-04
Red point
Red point
Cool Ranch Flavor Finish
7a+ Sport at Smith Rock State Park
7a+ Smith Rock State Park Sport 2018-11-03
Red point
Red point
Magic Light Finish
7b Sport at Smith Rock State Park
#27 Happy to nag the onsight on this line!
7b Smith Rock State Park Sport 2018-11-03
Bolt From the Blue
7a+ Sport at Smith Rock State Park
7a+ Smith Rock State Park Sport 2018-10-21
Red point
Red point
The Quickening
7b+ Sport at Smith Rock State Park
7b+ Smith Rock State Park Sport 2018-10-18
Aggro Monkey
8a Sport at Smith Rock State Park
Got super lucky and pounced on this monkey 3rd go! Hardest send to date but also least amount of tries? Definitely fit my style and being tall absolutely helped. Psyched! #24
8a Smith Rock State Park Sport 2018-10-14
Red point
Red point
Agent Orange
7b Sport at Sandstone Quarry West
7b Sandstone Quarry West Sport 2018-10-07
Red point
Red point
Original Route
7a+ Traditional at Rainbow Wall
7a+ Rainbow Wall Traditional 2018-10-07
Fear and Loathing
7a+ Red Rocks - Middle Second Pullout Sport 2018-10-06
Red point
Red point
Darkness at Noon
7c+ Sport at Smith Rock State Park
Woooo! First worked in the fall of 2017 and happy to finish this off this year. #20
7c+ Smith Rock State Park Sport 2018-09-29
Red point
Red point
Thin Red Line
7b Traditional at Washington Pass
#18, #19
7b Washington Pass Traditional 2018-09-01
Red point
Red point
7b Sport at French's Dome
7b French's Dome Sport 2018-08-27
Red point
Red point
Road Kill
7a+ Sport at French's Dome
7a+ French's Dome Sport 2018-08-27
Red point
Red point
Jackie Chan (Low Start)
7b Sport at French's Dome
7b French's Dome Sport 2018-08-25
Red point
Red point
Road Face
7a+ Sport at French's Dome
7a+ French's Dome Sport 2018-08-25
Red point
Red point
Rhoid Rage
7b Sport at French's Dome
7b French's Dome Sport 2018-08-25
Red point
Red point
Road Kill
7a+ Sport at French's Dome
7a+ French's Dome Sport 2018-08-25
Red point
Red point
Dark Tower
7c+ Sport at Broughton Bluffs
Super good route with a heart breaker crux at the top. If you're up for the grade get on it. #11
7c+ Broughton Bluffs Sport 2018-08-02
Red point
Red point
7a+ Partially... at Broughton Bluffs
Good route for the area. Varied climbing with cruxy thin moves up top. #10
7a+ Broughton Bluffs Partially... 2018-07-26
Red point
Red point
Road Kill
7a+ Sport at French's Dome
7a+ French's Dome Sport 2018-07-22
Red point
Red point
Rhoid Rage
7b Sport at French's Dome
7b French's Dome Sport 2018-07-22
Red point
Red point
Jackie Chan (Low Start)
7b Sport at French's Dome
7b French's Dome Sport 2018-07-22
Red point
Red point
Road Face
7a+ Sport at French's Dome
7a+ French's Dome Sport 2018-07-22
Red point
Red point
Closet Nazi
7a+ Sport at Broughton Bluffs
Pretty fun route. Big holds and good movement.
7a+ Broughton Bluffs Sport 2018-06-02
Red point
Red point
Cool Ranch Flavor Finish
7a+ Sport at Smith Rock State Park
7a+ Smith Rock State Park Sport 2018-05-20
Red point
Red point
Heinous Cling Low
7a+ Sport at Smith Rock State Park
7a+ Smith Rock State Park Sport 2018-05-20
Red point
Red point
Five Easy Pieces Start
7a+ Sport at Smith Rock State Park
7a+ Smith Rock State Park Sport 2018-05-19
Red point
Red point
7a+ Sport at Broughton Bluffs
Going to keep track of all the 5.12 and up routes I RP in 2018, starting with this one. Only RPs count but I'll allow myself to repeat routes more than once.
7a+ Broughton Bluffs Sport 2018-04-07
Red point
Red point
Kings of Rap
7c Sport at Smith Rock State Park
A few working goes the previous weekend and then sent it first try fresh on Saturday! Stoked. Amazing climb.
7c Smith Rock State Park Sport 2017-10-07
Red point
Red point
California 5.12
Whew! Long engagement with this one. 6 years since I first tried this? Pounded it out 3rd day on, 4th go.
7b+ Red Rocks - First Pullout Sport 2017-04-29
Red point
Red point
Fear and Loathing
Classic. First go of the day.
7a+ Red Rocks - Second Pullout West Sport 2017-04-29
Red point
Red point
The Glitch
Killer route. Second go!
7b+ Red Rocks - Second Pullout West Sport 2017-02-23
Red point
Red point
Waste Not Want Not
7b Sport at Sun City
Short and sharp!
7b Sun City Sport 2017-01-05
Red point
Red point
Churning in the Wake
7c+ Sport at Smith Rock State Park
YASSS! The project goes down. 8 total goes over two days to finish this beast. So stoked! The last 3 months have been dedicated to training for and completing this route. PSYCHED!
7c+ Smith Rock State Park Sport 2016-03-26
Red point
Red point
7b Sport at Odyssey
Fun moves on good holds.
7b Odyssey Sport 2015-11-26
7a+ Sport at Odyssey
7a+ Odyssey Sport 2015-11-26
Island in the Sun
7a+ Sport at Odyssey
Great line!
7a+ Odyssey Sport 2015-11-26
Sisyphus junior
Some balancy moves and tricky sequences. Very enjoyable.
7a+ The Seaside Kitchen (Ghost Kitchen) Sport 2015-11-25
Red point
Red point
Syrtaki Lessons
7c+ Sport at Secret Garden
Super cool mix of pockets, crimps and a rad tufa on this line. So psyched to have pulled this off! Woop!
7c+ Secret Garden Sport 2015-11-23
Red point
Red point
Zorba´s restaurant
7a+ Sport at Pescatore
Short but fun!
7a+ Pescatore Sport 2015-11-20
7a+ Sport at Masouri Skyline
A bouldery crux then jugs and more jugs.
7a+ Masouri Skyline Sport 2015-11-17
Red point
Red point
Russel Paradies
7a+ Sport at Masouri Skyline
Long and pumpy and really freakin fun!
7a+ Masouri Skyline Sport 2015-11-16
7b Sport at Gerakios
Cool, overhanging line with a tufa finish.
7b Gerakios Sport 2015-11-15
7b Sport at Trinity Aretes
So sweet! Such an amazing route. 5 stars all the way.
7b Trinity Aretes Sport 2015-07-01
Red point
Red point
The Dark Side
7b Sport at French's Dome
Fun little route! I got punted off many times a few years ago, but it went down in two goes today. RAD.
7b French's Dome Sport 2015-05-09
Red point
Red point
7b+ Sport at Smith Rock State Park
Overhung and a little thuggish into a tech and balancey roof. This thing is a fun combo of styles with no moves being particularly hard.
7b+ Smith Rock State Park Sport 2015-04-26
Red point
Red point
7b Sport at Smith Rock State Park
Excellent route! I will definietly come back and do this one again. The crux holds were a little tricky to figure out, but I was able to dial in a good method.
7b Smith Rock State Park Sport 2015-04-25
Red point
Red point
Five Easy Pieces Start
7a+ Sport at Smith Rock State Park
Really good route! Fun, consistent, great movement. Nice to finish this off so easily compared to years ago struggling on this rig.
7a+ Smith Rock State Park Sport 2015-04-16
Red point
Red point
The Humbling
7a+ Sport at Ozone
Fun onsight, not too bad!
7a+ Ozone Sport 2015-02-28
7b Sport at Ozone
Pretty good route, revolving around a V5 sequence through the roof. Everything else is fun edges and jugs.
7b Ozone Sport 2015-02-23
Red point
Red point
Bolt From the Blue
7a+ Sport at Smith Rock State Park
I've been wanting to get on this rig for a few weeks and was super psyched to onsight it. One and done!
7a+ Smith Rock State Park Sport 2015-01-18
Pumping Ground Water
7a Sport at Owens River Gorge
Great route! The 10th edition guide calls it 12a and I agree, but either way it was a rad onsight. Last day, best day.
7a+ (7a) Owens River Gorge Sport 2014-12-27
6C+ Boulder at Happy Boulders
Another Christmas day send! Woot woot.
6C+ Happy Boulders Boulder 2014-12-25
Red point
Red point
The Hulk
7A+ Boulder at Happy Boulders
Christmas day send! Fun to come back and finish off an old project so quickly.
7A+ Happy Boulders Boulder 2014-12-25
Red point
Red point
Thieves in the Temple
7a+ Sport at Owens River Gorge
Almost squeezed out an onsight on this thing. Still very, very good. Sustained and beautiful.
7a+ Owens River Gorge Sport 2014-12-23
Red point
Red point
Liquid Jade
7b Sport at Smith Rock State Park
Got this sucker in two goes! Way psyched. Fun route with short, fairly simple crux.
7b Smith Rock State Park Sport 2014-11-23
Red point
Red point
7a Traditional at Zion National Park
Whoa buddy! Definitely the hardest trad onsight ever. So much fucking fun. I love finger cracks.
7a Zion National Park Traditional 2014-10-23
The Headache
5+ Traditional at Zion National Park
Amazing. Mega classic.
5+ Zion National Park Traditional 2014-10-21
Red point
Red point
7a+ Sport at Zion National Park
Psyched to OS this one! The top is a bit of a ladder but still super fun. PUMPY.
7a+ Zion National Park Sport 2014-10-18
7C Boulder at Leavenworth, WA
This thing went down surprisingly quickly. Matched my style and an excellent problem.
7C Leavenworth, WA Boulder 2014-07-24
Red point
Red point
Ramen Raw
7B Boulder at Chief Boulders
Way cool! Worked this thing last year and sent this year. Peanut M&Ms are for winners!
7B Chief Boulders Boulder 2014-07-20
Red point
Red point
Missing In Action
7B+ Boulder at Squamish - Murrin Park
7B+ Squamish - Murrin Park Boulder 2014-07-19
Red point
Red point
Baba Hari Dass
7B Boulder at Chief Boulders
Tried this rig about 6 years ago when I was a young chap. It felt impossible then and its no gimme now. Very happy to tick this off the list!
7B Chief Boulders Boulder 2014-07-18
Red point
Red point
It's About Time
6C+ Boulder at Chief Boulders
6C+ Chief Boulders Boulder 2014-07-17
Red point
Red point
Yankee Clipper
7b+ Sport at Potrero Chico
15 pitches. Did this route as out last hurrah for EPC. Epic!
7b+ Potrero Chico Sport 2014-01-02
Top rope
Top rope
6c+ Sport at El Potrero Chico
6c+ El Potrero Chico Sport 2013-12-31
Timewave Zero
7a+ Sport at Potrero Chico
23 pitches of perfect limestone. Top 3 routes of my life.
7a+ Potrero Chico Sport 2013-12-27
Top rope
Top rope
Tufa the Price of One
6c Sport at El Potrero Chico
Cool tufa at the top.
6c El Potrero Chico Sport 2013-12-22
Space Boyz
6b Sport at Potrero Chico
6b Potrero Chico Sport 2013-12-19
Red point
Red point
Chain Reaction
7b+ Sport at Smith Rock State Park
Such a long battle with this one! Finally RP'ing this rig felt so good. Super, super classic obviously and despite the struggle, I love this route.
7b+ Smith Rock State Park Sport 2013-11-27
Red point
Red point
Cool Ranch Flavor Finish
7a+ Sport at Smith Rock State Park
Fun little extension to the lower, mediocre route.
7a+ Smith Rock State Park Sport 2013-11-20
Red point
Red point
Pepsi Challenge
7A+ Boulder at Lake Tahoe CA
7A+ Lake Tahoe CA Boulder 2013-09-25
6b+ Partially... at Carver
The first pitch is a fun rock climb with a little bit of slab and some dubiously natural monos.
6b+ Carver Partially... 2012-09-16
Red point
Red point
Angular Motion
7a+ Sport at Carver
Great route. A "Carver classic" if there ever was one. Fun motion on mostly big, angular holds.
7a+ Carver Sport 2012-09-16
Red point
Red point
6c Traditional at Carver
Awesome finger crack! Although it's not much actual crack climbing this line climbs and protects very well.
6c Carver Traditional 2012-08-22
Red point
Red point
Rhoid Rage
7b Sport at French's Dome
Also known as High Voltage. Fun route that I managed to do fairly quickly. No real hard moves, just fighting the pump to the end!
7b French's Dome Sport 2012-08-11
Red point
Red point
He Who Shall Not Be Named
7b Sport at TLC
Excellent rock climb. Really fun movement through pockets, edges, and a few monos. Pysched!
7b TLC Sport 2012-08-04
Red point
Red point
Jackie Chan (Low Start)
7b Sport at French's Dome
This rig starts hard and gets easier the higher you get. I surprised myself with this send - sticking the starting boulder problem and climbing through the 5.11 edging up to the the "beehive" rest. Fun route!
7b French's Dome Sport 2012-07-29
Red point
Red point
Road Kill
7a+ Sport at French's Dome
7a+ French's Dome Sport 2012-07-28
Red point
Red point
7b Sport at French's Dome
This thing is ace! Really good movement and flow. Fun climbing.
7b French's Dome Sport 2012-07-21
Red point
Red point
Road Face
7a+ Sport at French's Dome
Brilliant! Super fun rig with a fight to the finish.
7a+ French's Dome Sport 2012-07-14
Red point
Red point
Road Rage
7a+ Sport at French's Dome
Flash on Friday the 13th! Olson's 4th ed. guide calls this .12a but locals and developers hang towards .11d. I'd agree with the .11d crowd, but still way fun regardless of grade.
7a (7a+) French's Dome Sport 2012-07-13
The Hourglass
7B Boulder at Icicle Canyon
I sent with the tall-person static beta. Feels harder dead-pointing to the jug at the lip.
7B Icicle Canyon Boulder 2012-06-27
Red point
Red point
The Physical
6B+ Boulder at Icicle Canyon
Super aesthetic line.
6B+ Icicle Canyon Boulder 2012-06-26
Red point
Red point
Donkey Kong
6B+ Boulder at Leavenworth, WA
6B+ Leavenworth, WA Boulder 2012-06-25
Red point
Red point
The Footless Traverse
6C+ Boulder at Leavenworth, WA
Great traverse. A little powerful, a little pumpy.
6C+ Leavenworth, WA Boulder 2012-06-25
Honey Bear Hooka
7A+ Boulder at Carver
Sweet rig. Right arm intensive and powerful. There are remnants of a once glued-on hold -- maybe changes the grade?
7A+ Carver Boulder 2012-05-14
Red point
Red point
The Crumbling
7a+ Sport at Ozone
The hardest moves are right off the start but the RP crux is fighting the pump to the anchors. Great route!
7a+ Ozone Sport 2012-05-11
Red point
Red point
Max Headroom
6B+ Boulder at Carver
6B+ Carver Boulder 2012-05-07
Red point
Red point
Soldering Iron of Justice
6C+ Boulder at Carver
6C+ Carver Boulder 2012-05-07
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Leavenworth, WA
6B+ Leavenworth, WA Boulder 2012-04-23
Fridge Center
6C Boulder at Leavenworth, WA
Sweet boulder, great line.
6B+ (6C) Leavenworth, WA Boulder 2012-04-23
Get Up Stand Up
6C+ Boulder at Leavenworth, WA
Pretty cool problem. Fun starting moves.
6C+ Leavenworth, WA Boulder 2012-04-22
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Carver
One of the classics!
6C+ Carver Boulder 2012-04-15
Red point
Red point
Radical Edwards
6B+ Boulder at Carver
6B+ Carver Boulder 2012-04-15
Red point
Red point
Carver Classic
6B+ Boulder at Carver
6B+ Carver Boulder 2012-04-09
Red point
Red point
Flying Squirrel
7A+ Boulder at Carver
7A+ Carver Boulder 2012-04-08
Red point
Red point