
Yearly top 10 averages
8b+ 0 0 0 0 0
8b 1 0 0 1 0
8a+ 0 0 0 0 0
8a 13 0 0 13 0
7c+ 8 0 0 8 0
7c 10 0 0 10 0
7b+ 12 1 2 9 0
7b 19 3 2 13 1
7a+ 17 4 5 8 0
7a 17 3 7 6 1
6c+ 5 3 2 0 0
6c 15 5 6 4 0
6b+ 6 2 1 3 0
6b 3 0 2 1 0
6a+ 3 0 3 0 0
6a 2 1 1 0 0
5+ 2 1 1 0 0
5 3 1 2 0 0
4+ 4 4 0 0 0
4 1 1 0 0 0
3+ 0 0 0 0 0
Ascent date
Ascent type
7a+ Sport at Uddeuddberget
Ohhhh den var kämpig att ta ner på onsight. Men mentaliteten var med mig :) små fotsteg…
7a+ Uddeuddberget Sport 2024-09-26
6c+ Sport at Uddeuddberget
Mega Line! Riktig fin :) Bra grepp, skumma positioner
6c+ Uddeuddberget Sport 2024-09-26
Home school
7a Sport at Uddeuddberget
Jobbig och desperat med att sätta up Quick draws på vägen.
7a Uddeuddberget Sport 2024-09-26
Old school
7b Sport at Uddeuddberget
Tack Elias för din onsight beta som du fuckade upp på… 🙏
7b Uddeuddberget Sport 2024-09-26
5 Traditional at Gandalf
Ledde pitch 1 ! Fin klättring och långa pitcher :) Regn och blåst dock..
5 Gandalf Traditional 2024-09-20
Høyre risset
5+ Traditional at Paradiset
Maybe soft for the grade?
5+ Paradiset Traditional 2024-09-18
1910 ruta
4+ Traditional at Svolværgeita
Classic! Got the sun on my side as well :) First pitch was hard for being a 4… Good placements
4+ Svolværgeita Traditional 2024-09-17
Rage of Honor
6c Sport at Sandvika
Climbed While raining! Cause that’s the kinda weather you get in Lofoten 🤪🤌
6b+ (6c) Sandvika Sport 2024-09-17
Pianohandler Lunds rute, Lofoten
4+ Traditional at Pianokrakken
Rain … Lead climbed pitch 1,3,5
4+ Pianokrakken Traditional 2024-09-16
Skrova Festivalen
6c+ Sport at Sandvika
One hard move…
6c (6c+) Sandvika Sport 2024-09-15
7b Sport at Sandvika
Ganska simpelt för graden ända upp till taket. Så enligt mig 7a+ kanske… Fin klättring!
7a+ (7b) Sandvika Sport 2024-09-15
Normalveien (The Standard Route)
4+ Traditional at Hamarøyskaftet
First proper short rope tour! Exposed and adventures terrain :) Good views of course 🙌
4+ Hamarøyskaftet Traditional 2024-09-13
4 Traditional at Eidetind
Led pitch 1 on sagostund (grade 5) Lead pitch 3 & 5. First multi pitch lead 🙌
4 Eidetind Traditional 2024-09-12
Comes sunshine
7A Boulder at Munsala
Nice to get little pumped :)
7A Munsala Boulder 2024-09-06
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Munsala
First move is difficult! Finger strength
7A Munsala Boulder 2024-09-06
Red point
Red point
6a Traditional at Reventeenvuori
Long route ! Great for the grade 🙌🙌
6a Reventeenvuori Traditional 2024-08-30
The Ashes
6c Sport at Reventeenvuori
Honestly pretty hard
7a (6c) Reventeenvuori Sport 2024-08-29
Två Halvor
5 Traditional at Haukkakallio
5 Haukkakallio Traditional 2024-08-28
Road to Zion
5 Traditional at Haukkakallio
Too bad it’s short… Otherwise it’s awsome! Fine placements :)
5+ (5) Haukkakallio Traditional 2024-08-28
6c Sport at Haukkakallio
Good climbing. Second bolt is badly placed… ground fall possible if you screw up.
6c Haukkakallio Sport 2024-08-26
Bermudan kolmio
6c Sport at Haukkakallio
This One is 6a in my opinion… Dont get why it’s graded harder than the other 6b+ route around the corner.
6a (6c) Haukkakallio Sport 2024-08-26
6b+ Sport at Haukkakallio
6b+ Haukkakallio Sport 2024-08-26
Laika, direct
6b Sport at Haukkakallio
6b Haukkakallio Sport 2024-08-26
Captain Böögi
7b+ Sport at Haukkakallio
Nice and technical piece :) Third try 🙌
7b+ Haukkakallio Sport 2024-08-24
Red point
Red point
6a+ Traditional at Haukkakallio
Good holds, worse placement :)
6a+ Haukkakallio Traditional 2024-08-19
The Constant Gardener
4+ Traditional at Haukkakallio
First trad route ever :) 🤩
4+ Haukkakallio Traditional 2024-08-18
6b Traditional at Haukkakallio
Second trad route in my life! Easy protection :) good to get on trad 😊 Second go
6b Haukkakallio Traditional 2024-08-18
Red point
Red point
Djungel Jim
8a Sport at Margreteberg
Mega Line for the area! Thought it would be pretty easy to do after trying it the first time. But turns out I fell of at the Topp many times… took me 8 tries in total.
8a Margreteberg Sport 2024-08-07
Red point
Red point
Grevens hörn
7b+ Sport at Örnberget
Second go. Förvånansvärt fin led! Rekommenderas Teknisk och mycket layback. Geting bo på marken dock…. Se upp…
7b+ Örnberget Sport 2024-08-05
Red point
Red point
6c+ Sport at Ekoberget
Nice views :) Hard in the beginning
6c+ Ekoberget Sport 2024-06-07
7a Sport at Ekoberget
Super nice movement in the middle! Thanks Nikoline for the recommendation:) Second go
7a Ekoberget Sport 2024-06-07
Red point
Red point
13. Nykänen ***
7A+ Boulder at Merivartiolaitos
3rd go! Pretty good when you get the feet placements right :)
7A+ Merivartiolaitos Boulder 2024-05-04
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Merivartiolaitos
Good compression moves. Crux when mantling over the overhang. Mossy as well
7A+ Merivartiolaitos Boulder 2024-05-04
Red point
Red point
OA crank
7A Boulder at Merivartiolaitos
Longer version into 6c jump start. Pretty nice line!
7A Merivartiolaitos Boulder 2024-05-04
Red point
Red point
Pontus Gåva dyno
6C Boulder at Haratass
Possible to do it staticly
6B+ (6C) Haratass Boulder 2024-04-15
Red point
Red point
7b+ Sport at Dödskalleberget
Second go. Sustained climbing all the way up👍
7b+ Dödskalleberget Sport 2024-04-10
Red point
Red point
Skriet från vildmarken
7b+ Sport at Dödskalleberget
7b+ Dödskalleberget Sport 2024-04-10
Red point
Red point
Mr Magister
8a Sport at Dödskalleberget
Went down 5th try. fits me really well in style… So might be harder then I think. But I still think it’s equally as hard as “Holidays in Eden”. So I would suggest 7c+ as grade.
7c+ (8a) Dödskalleberget Sport 2024-04-07
Red point
Red point
Holidays in Eden
7c+ Sport at Dödskalleberget
Good technical moves with a pumpy Finnish ! Took way to long to send…
7c+ Dödskalleberget Sport 2024-04-06
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Dödskalleberget
2nd go Unique moves in the start
7a Dödskalleberget Sport 2024-04-04
Red point
Red point
Inget för pygméer
7a+ Sport at Dödskalleberget
Day flash. Tried many years ago, but was hard then… Today it feelt good :) Classic route in Stockholm with the finishing roof!
7a+ Dödskalleberget Sport 2024-03-31
Red point
Red point
Bloody pinky sit start
6B+ Boulder at Huhta-Otto luola
Powerful sit start
6B+ Huhta-Otto luola Boulder 2023-11-11
Red point
Red point
Det mörka hotet
7c+ Sport at Margreteberg
Close on the onsight... But it went down second go! The route is short and intense. Looks easier from the ground. But not such a nice route to be honest...
7c+ Margreteberg Sport 2023-10-24
Red point
Red point
Rakt på sak
7b+ Sport at Örnberget
Hard crimp Crux in the middle. Went down on my second try
7b+ Örnberget Sport 2023-10-17
Red point
Red point
Frisco Kid
8a Sport at Örnberget
This bastard went down now after 7 tries… I sent the route after the second try climbing wrong in the start. Thought it was a but uneven and soft for 8a. But then the man him self, Anton Yakubenko came and told me that the route starts more to the left. So I had read it wrong and skipped the first 7c crux 😂 But now after 7 tries it went down and feels like a solid 8a bench mark. Very even and interesting route!
8a Örnberget Sport 2023-10-17
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Örnberget
Hard in the start. Good rest half ways up. 6b climbing towards the end.
7c Örnberget Sport 2023-10-15
Red point
Red point
Kom igen
7b+ Sport at Skevik
Crimpig i början. Men fin i slutet. Soft 7c, men den håller graden tycker jag
7c (7b+) Skevik Sport 2023-10-12
Red point
Red point
8a Sport at Skevik
Testade några år sedan... Kändes omöjligt. Kom tillbaka nu och så satt den på andra presset :) En av dem finare lederna på Skevik! Men hade varit gött med hård klättring lite längre
8a Skevik Sport 2023-10-12
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Västerby
Best builder at the Craig awesome sloper climbing
7A+ Västerby Boulder 2023-08-27
Red point
Red point
Vanhuuteen ja Takaisin
7A Boulder at Västerby
Cool compression in the start
7A Västerby Boulder 2023-08-27
Red point
Red point
7b Sport at Haukkakallio
7b Haukkakallio Sport 2023-08-25
Top rope
Top rope
Nu Moon
7a Sport at Haukkakallio
7a Haukkakallio Sport 2023-08-24
Top rope
Top rope
Raato ss
7B Boulder at Bråtö
Mega line ! Unique for the area. Nice tension and body positioning
7B Bråtö Boulder 2023-08-20
Red point
Red point
New line?
6A Boulder at Bråtö
Good waem up for the crag.
6A Bråtö Boulder 2023-08-17
6C Boulder at Bråtö
Cool cross move. Took me 3 tries
6C Bråtö Boulder 2023-08-17
Red point
Red point
Legatto easy
6B Boulder at Bråtö
nice arete feture
6B Bråtö Boulder 2023-08-17
Steps eliminate
6C Boulder at Bråtö
Good ass dyno! Took like 5 tries to stick it
6C Bråtö Boulder 2023-08-17
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Bråtö
6A+ Bråtö Boulder 2023-08-17
The oldboys are back in town
Not good climbing or location. But it works great when the sky is pissing down with rain... Second go
7b+ Tyresö slott (Takklippan) Sport 2023-08-06
Red point
Red point
Human Torch
7c+ Sport at Dyviksudd
Interesting vertical face! What I like is how blank the rest of the wall is. No many other holds to grab... Second go
7c+ Dyviksudd Sport 2023-08-06
Red point
Red point
Huck Norris
7c+ Sport at VC
Good solid climbing all the way. Also two good rests higher up before the last final roof crux. Threw up a high heel over roof to stay on, awesome move! Second go
7c+ VC Sport 2023-07-31
Red point
Red point
7c+ Sport at Spearfish canyon
Hate the first crux... Made me fall to the ground on the first try. Rest is consistent and sporty ! Second go
7c+ Spearfish canyon Sport 2023-07-25
Red point
Red point
Legal eagle
7b+ Sport at Spearfish canyon
First crux not that lovely... Rest was fine Second go
7b+ Spearfish canyon Sport 2023-07-25
Red point
Red point
Mogo Chaji
7a+ Sport at VC
Had to speed climb to the top because of thunder coming into the canyon! Fun feeling :)
7a+ VC Sport 2023-07-22
Love you long time
7a+ Sport at VC
Really great technical climbing in the beginning. Soon as the roof starts basically jugs, but still cool movement. Psyched to send it with Jupiter !
7a+ VC Sport 2023-07-22
Bucked Head
7b Sport at VC
Pumpy route! Messed up the section in the start two times. But finally got the right beta dield. Its not over until its over... Took me 3 tries total
7b VC Sport 2023-07-22
Red point
Red point
Bluce Lee
7b+ Sport at VC
Awsome flow all the way up!
7b+ VC Sport 2023-07-22
Yatsy analyse
8a Sport at Granitgrottan
Saw this line and it looked awesome! Yatsy analyses made me more psyched then the original line Yatsy. Happy to take it down :) After 5 tries of figuring out the body positions…
8a Granitgrottan Sport 2023-07-14
Red point
Red point
Langley Travel
7b Sport at Granitgrottan
30 meters of climbing! Great climbing with good holds all the way. Funky/bad feet holds. Recommend! Solid 7b
7b Granitgrottan Sport 2023-07-14
Langley Holds
7c+ Sport at Granitgrottan
Real fight i must say… Came almost all the way up to the topp on my onsight go, but quickly realized that the crux was at the topp… scary climbing at the topp with extreme rope drag. But feels good to finally have sent it. Probably one of the hardest in this grade that I have tried.
7c+ Granitgrottan Sport 2023-07-13
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Granitgrottan
Technical climbing, cool moves! Pretty solid for the grade. Middle crux
7c Granitgrottan Sport 2023-07-10
Red point
Red point
Mad Rock
8a Sport at Granitgrottan
Took me some time to stick the crux in the begging. Need to work on tension I guess… Rest of the route is great with a variety of moves and climbing styles.
8a Granitgrottan Sport 2023-07-10
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Granitgrottan
First part is around 7a. But the rest of the route I’d sadly 6a+ climbing. Therefore not that consistent
7a Granitgrottan Sport 2023-07-08
7a+ Sport at Granitgrottan
7a+ Granitgrottan Sport 2023-07-08
Utan pardon
7b Sport at Dyviksudd
Went down on the second go. Sharp crimps and not that great climbing in my opinion. But technical moves. Hard in my opinion
7b Dyviksudd Sport 2023-06-24
Red point
Red point
Silicon valley
6c Sport at Skevik
Prima led med kluriga tekniska sekvenser för graden! Längden på leden tillför också väldigt mycket :)
6c+ (6c) Skevik Sport 2023-06-17
Salt bomb
6c Sport at Skevik
6c+ (6c) Skevik Sport 2023-06-17
Full fart mot döden
7c Sport at Träskberget
Almost went down on my flash, but did not manage to stick the last slot… really nice though. Second Go
7c Träskberget Sport 2023-06-11
Red point
Red point
Vox Populi
7a+ Sport at Träskberget
Fun route! Great variation of moves and loved the stemming crux in the middle of the wall ;) Definitely recommend
7a+ Träskberget Sport 2023-06-11
Corn Flakes
7b+ Sport at Svarttjärn
Basically mega crimps and jugs all the way up. What makes the grade are the funky positions and the steepness. But a bit soft I would say.
7b+ Svarttjärn Sport 2023-05-21
7c+ Sport at Svarttjärn
Cool moves on steep overhang. Finish off with some technical positioning moves at the vertical wall. Pretty even if you ask me. Its not over until you have clipped the anchor. 2nd Go
7c+ Svarttjärn Sport 2023-05-21
Red point
Red point
8b Sport at Svarttjärn
Finally, first 8b! Short and intense route! Fits my style perfectly. Two days of projecting and 6 tries was what it took to send. Tiny sharp crimps which makes every attempt count, skin is not on topp after... One the best routes at the crag!
8b Svarttjärn Sport 2023-05-21
Red point
Red point
Seven plus
7a Sport at Fjärdhundra
Consistent and interesting moves :) It not over until the end !
7a Fjärdhundra Sport 2023-05-13
6c Sport at Fjärdhundra
6c Fjärdhundra Sport 2023-05-13
Stampad Berguv
7a+ Sport at Fjärdhundra
One of the favorites at the cliff based on what I’ve climbed. Not an even route, but the middle crux is great ;) Recommend
7a+ Fjärdhundra Sport 2023-05-13
7a Sport at Fjärdhundra
Hard 7a! But nice moves with flow. No good rest which made it consistent.
7a Fjärdhundra Sport 2023-05-13
7b+ Sport at Fjärdhundra
Got excellent beta which made it possible! Crux in the very beginning. Small ass crimps :)
7b+ Fjärdhundra Sport 2023-05-13
Mr Kidd
7c Sport at Träskberget
The ending was fun. Rest ok…
7c Träskberget Sport 2023-05-10
Red point
Red point
Ökad Sumo
8a Sport at Flaten
Great start with powerful moves. Then the vertical/slab starts. No good rest which makes it intense and pumpy. Have not tried everything at flaten, but this is one of the best lines so far! Went down on the Third try.
8a Flaten Sport 2023-05-07
Red point
Red point
Kojaks klubba
8a Sport at Flaten
Classic flaten route. Cool dynamic move over the lip. Went down on the 4th try.
8a Flaten Sport 2023-05-06
Red point
Red point
Älska mig
7b+ Sport at Örnberget
Interesting moves! I could not figure out the crux and stick the heel hook. So crimped some tiny footholds and managed to pass it... Not the finest. Would have wished for a bit harder moves towards the end, the route was basically over after the first crux. 4th go
7b+ Örnberget Sport 2023-04-29
Red point
Red point
Dödligt Möte
8a Sport at Örnberget
I really liked this route! Starts with some steep boulder moves, quite intense (important with body positioning). Crux over the lip. Followed by some easier climbing on vertical face up to an ultimate no hands knee bar. Finishes of with great compression moves, my favorite part of the route! Give it a try if you feel psyched.
8a Örnberget Sport 2023-04-29
Red point
Red point
I'll be back
8a Sport at Örnberget
Roligt avslut på Bad Boys! Ihållande och pumpig :) Inte så beta krävande, vilket var skönt :) Gick ner på andra försöket :) Bra dag
8a Örnberget Sport 2023-04-23
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Kummelnäs
6A+ Kummelnäs Boulder 2023-04-23
5+ Boulder at Kummelnäs
5+ Kummelnäs Boulder 2023-04-22
Birger Kung
6B+ Boulder at Kummelnäs
Hård tyckte jag! Finaste flytten var mot slutet :) Början var mest dåliga crimpar…
6B+ Kummelnäs Boulder 2023-04-22
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Kummelnäs
Finaste bouldern på klippan! Inte alls mycket mossa på den som mycket annat runt om… rekommenderar flera crash pads.
7A+ Kummelnäs Boulder 2023-04-22
Red point
Red point
Infected Technology
6C Boulder at Orminge
Okay climbing. Not the best
6C Orminge Boulder 2023-04-18
7A+ Boulder at Orminge
Nice travers! I liked the moves. But got pretty pumped towards the end. So in my opinion it can be 7b boulder.
7B (7A+) Orminge Boulder 2023-04-18
Red point
Red point
8a Sport at Örnberget
Not my favorite route... But had to do it because of it being a classic! Probably took me about 9 tries. I agree though that the Sator could be 7c+
7c+ (8a) Örnberget Sport 2023-04-16
Red point
Red point