
Yearly top 10 averages
7B+ 0 0 0
7B 11 1 10
7A+ 16 2 14
7A 39 1 38
6C+ 28 1 27
6C 33 9 24
6B+ 28 8 20
6B 32 21 11
6A+ 21 19 2
6A 23 18 5
5+ 7 7 0
5 2 2 0
4+ 1 1 0
4 1 1 0
3+ 1 1 0
3 0 0 0
Ascent date
Ascent type
Raum x Zeit
7A Boulder at Merkenstein
cool climb on crimps and pockets and some heel-hooks, then reachy move to jug and quite high top-out
7A Merkenstein Boulder 2014-03-01
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Kremstal
nice overhanging wall with a traverse starting left and going to the right with a shouldery move, then three moves to cross with the left hand and top-out. possible to traverse more to the right and top-out there.
7A Kremstal Boulder 2014-02-26
Red point
Red point
Niki's Sonnen-Mantle
6B Boulder at Kremstal
nice mantle which niki started to clean and brush. some metres left of "teil einer jugendbewegung" right next to a tree. good moves with a sloper and a crimps which you change to undercling to top-out. don't if already some climbed that, otherwise a historical FA hahaha ;)
6B Kremstal Boulder 2014-02-23
Red point
Red point
Dipende Dal PIL
6B+ Boulder at Cresciano
nice overhanging sloper-arete with dynamic moves to crimp at the end
6B+ Cresciano Boulder 2014-02-17
Red point
Red point
Giovanni Patacca
5+ Boulder at Cresciano
another tall slab with good crimps
5+ Cresciano Boulder 2014-02-15
6A Boulder at Cresciano
tall, but easy slab
6A Cresciano Boulder 2014-02-15
6B+ Boulder at Cresciano
slightly overhanging shield...with strange artifical hole
6B+ Cresciano Boulder 2014-02-15
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Cresciano
sharp crimps on vertical bloc
6B+ (6C) Cresciano Boulder 2014-02-14
Red point
Red point
Mano Lesta
6B Boulder at Cresciano
another sloper-arete. the 7a+ sitstart i couldn't understand
6B Cresciano Boulder 2014-02-14
Money for Nothing
6C+ Boulder at Cresciano
niiiice sloper-arete
6C+ Cresciano Boulder 2014-02-14
Red point
Red point
Spider Catcher
6B+ Boulder at Chironico North
nice bloc in snowey conditions. line goes up the right arete
6B+ Chironico North Boulder 2014-02-12
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Chironico North
sitstart and move to a painful crimp, then under-cling and stand-up
6C+ Chironico North Boulder 2014-02-12
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Chironico North
sitstart on crimp and two moves on crimps, then dyno to jug. completely wet so i destroyed my fingers a bit ;)
6C+ Chironico North Boulder 2014-02-11
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Chironico North
beautiful (and on this day dry) line on this huge wall. crux with heelhook...2nd go :)
7A (6C+) Chironico North Boulder 2014-02-11
Red point
Red point
First Class
5+ Boulder at Cresciano
beautiful slab with a fine crack
5+ Cresciano Boulder 2014-02-09
Icaro's Step
6A+ Boulder at Cresciano
same bloc with the nice view
6A+ Cresciano Boulder 2014-02-09
4+ Boulder at Cresciano
nice slab
4 (4+) Cresciano Boulder 2014-02-09
6B Boulder at
nice & funny warm-up right next to "champane supernove"
6B Boulder 2014-02-06
Champane Supernova
7A Boulder at
awesome line out a roof, dyno to the lip and funny mantle...tried it a bit some weeks ago and today first try, though bad & wet conditions :)
7A Boulder 2014-02-06
Red point
Red point
Lost in Translation
7B Boulder at
great boulder to finish off the day!!! hard first section with 5 crazy moves, then sustained and pumpy along the lip of the boulder. checked out the tricky end two days before and linked the first passage with the big move so i knew it's possibe :)
7B+ (7B) Boulder 2014-02-06
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at
nice moves on slopers with an essential hook which has to stick good
7A Boulder 2014-02-04
Red point
Red point
Paralello-Line 1
6A+ Boulder at Peñoles
highball on futuristic rock-features...don't know about grade or name...about V2-3
6A+ Peñoles Boulder 2014-01-02
Paralello-Line 2
6A+ Boulder at Peñoles
highball no.2 on futuristic rock-features...don't know about grade or name...about V2-3
6A+ Peñoles Boulder 2014-01-02
Schnapp den Elch
6B Boulder at Peñoles
beautiful, tall & slightly overhanging wall with crimps...~V3-4
6B Peñoles Boulder 2014-01-02
FA Red point
FA Red point
Barra de Pan
6C+ Boulder at Peñoles
nice sit-start on huge hold, then side-crimps and under-cling, feet up and reachy move to a bad crimps, match, feet up really high and huge move to another crimp-rail, then mental top-out...~V5
6C+ Peñoles Boulder 2014-01-02
FA Red point
FA Red point
La Ola
6B+ Boulder at Peñoles
2nd try...awesome line through a wave-like wall. first crimpers then a jump to a jug!!! i thinks it's about V4
6B+ Peñoles Boulder 2014-01-01
Red point
Red point
La Marmota
6C+ Boulder at Peñoles
great, futuristic boulder up a mammut-looking bloc...many crimps and really balancy...about V5(+)
6C+ Peñoles Boulder 2014-01-01
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Peñoles
2nd try...vertical wall with under-clings...about V4
6B Peñoles Boulder 2014-01-01
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Peñoles
funny warm-up...don't know about the grade...about V2-3
6A Peñoles Boulder 2013-12-31
Zepelin 1
6A+ Boulder at Peñoles
great jugs to start, then crimps and techical top-out...about V3
6A+ Peñoles Boulder 2013-12-31
Billy Jean
6C+ Boulder at
at least one boulder on my first visit of this awesome spot :)
6C+ Boulder 2013-10-27
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Mariensee
long move out of the roof + the long lip-traverse...without the sit-start of "entsafter" (which i nearly made on the same day)...nice birthday-session :)
6C+ Mariensee Boulder 2013-10-08
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Kremstal
nice boulder through the middle of "aufwärmwandl"...sit start with nice warm-up movements up the first metres, then a crux on crimps
7A Kremstal Boulder 2013-10-04
Red point
Red point
El Doble-Techito Super-Extensión
awesome last session at C.U. for this summer. ripping the skin completeky off my hand & later with lots off tape finally sticking the last dyno of this great sustainted line. mayby FA?!?
7B Los techos de derecho - Ciudad Universitaria Boulder 2013-09-23
FA Red point
FA Red point
El Queso
6B Boulder at Peña de Bernal
V3; beautiful bloc!!! nice moves on side-pinches and slopers
6A+ (6B) Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-09-17
El Techo Noroccidental
7A Boulder at Peña de Bernal
V6; beautiful nice on the same bloc; just 10 min of work, nearly made a flash but failed at the technical top-out! nice ss on jug and side-slopper, reachy move to awesome sloper, heel-hook at the jug and match a tiny crimp...then some technical metres to top-out really high :)
7A Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-09-17
Red point
Red point
6A+ Boulder at Peña de Bernal
V3; nice vertical problem for warm-up
6A+ Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-09-16
Blade Runner
6B Boulder at Peña de Bernal
V4; nice line on sloppers, however the "cyborg"-boulder is better
6B+ (6B) Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-09-16
El tren de la vida
6B Boulder at Peña de Bernal
V4; one hard move to take off, then really easy
6B Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-09-16
El tendón de Aquiles
7A+ Boulder at Peña de Bernal
V7; my first V7 in bernal and this one in my opinion is more like 7B, especially because of the strange top-out...sit-start on good holds, then match to a double-crimp at your right, move your foot up high on your start-hold and block up with your left to a tiny, sharp side-crimp, match and big move with your right to a good crimp, match and get prepared for the top-out: another good crimp for your left, move your feet to the right, then a kind of bad pocket for your right hand from where you continue to the lip, move your feet and match the bad sloppers at the lip...then a real fight to mantle up :)
7B (7A+) Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-09-16
Red point
Red point
Techo del Pumita (Traverse)
7A+ Boulder at Pumita
(~V7); nice technical exit through the big roof using the wall at the right side
7A+ Pumita Boulder 2013-08-29
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Peña de Bernal
V6; nice 45° overhanging shield, four hard moves on bad crimps and a hard dyno to catch the lip
7A+ (7A) Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-08-04
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Peña de Bernal
V4; sloppers, undercling, sloppers
6B+ Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-08-04
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Peña de Bernal
V4; nice vertical route on crimps with a scary top-out (without spot)
6B+ Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-08-03
Blue Apocalypse Sit
6C+ Boulder at Peña de Bernal
V5; sit-start of this slightly overhanging arete, adds to hard moves to get to the stand-start
6C+ Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-08-03
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Peña de Bernal
V5; same start like "Malaria" but you go to the right with a bad, painful pocket
6C Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-08-03
Plumas voladoras
6B+ Boulder at Peña de Bernal
V4; nice vertical bloc with big moves on good crimps
6B+ Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-08-03
I'm a cyborg, but it's ok
6C+ Boulder at Peña de Bernal
V5; hard moves on bad sloppers, reaaaaally technical
6C+ Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-08-03
Red point
Red point
Blue Apocalypse
6B+ Boulder at Peña de Bernal
V4; stand-start of this nice arete
6B+ Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-08-03
La Banca
6A Boulder at Peña de Bernal
V2; nice slab at "el rancho"
6A Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-08-02
Cansado de besar sapos
5+ Boulder at Peña de Bernal
V1; another slab for warm-up with great holds
5+ Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-08-02
Orange Paradise
6C Boulder at Peña de Bernal
V5 (?); perfect overhanging arete with big moves on crimps
6C Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-08-02
Red point
Red point
Arrancando motores
6B Boulder at Peña de Bernal
V3; nice traverse for warm-up
6B Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-08-01
7A Boulder at Peña de Bernal
V6; perfect boulder-problem, start on a great undercling with heelhook, then to a bad crimp and two compression-moves to reach a pocket, after that move your feet and a balancy move to a bad crimp and continue to the good rail, from there a hard top-out on crimps
7A Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-08-01
Red point
Red point
Sueños direct
6B Boulder at Peña de Bernal
V3; nice boulder for warm-up
6B Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-08-01
Filo de la Escuelita
beautiful sloper-arete to slab up with your left hand...with your right you've got a painful, tiny crimps/crack
7B La Escuelita - Ciudad Universitaria Boulder 2013-07-31
Red point
Red point
...and again...i love it :)
7B Los techos de derecho - Ciudad Universitaria Boulder 2013-07-06
Red point
Red point
just one of my all-time favorites :)
7B Los techos de derecho - Ciudad Universitaria Boulder 2013-06-30
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Kremstal
nice little slab on the way down to INRI
6B+ Kremstal Boulder 2013-05-19
Red point
Red point
Mission for Man
6C Boulder at Kremstal
climbing up the arch of the INRI-cave
6C Kremstal Boulder 2013-05-19
Red point
Red point
Dreimal ums Kreuz
7B Boulder at Mariensee
really hard morpho-move on tiny crimps to another crimp...i probably tried this move a hundred times
7B Mariensee Boulder 2013-05-17
Red point
Red point
Spigolo destro del francese
6B+ Boulder at Mello (coming soon)
6b for the sit-start is really hard...
6B+ Mello (coming soon) Boulder 2013-05-07
Red point
Red point
Il Francese
6C+ Boulder at Mello (coming soon)
hard moves on crimps plus a crux-move to catch the sloppy edge of the boulder
6C+ Mello (coming soon) Boulder 2013-05-07
Red point
Red point
Doctor zero stand
6B Boulder at Mello (coming soon)
easy funny mantle
6B Mello (coming soon) Boulder 2013-05-06
Spigolo dei veronesi
6A Boulder at Mello (coming soon)
nice slab
6A Mello (coming soon) Boulder 2013-05-06
La sfinge
hard moves at the beginning and a funny mantle
6C+ (6C) Val di Mello (Bagni di Masino) Boulder 2013-05-03
Red point
Red point
The easy French
6B+ Boulder at Mello (coming soon)
easy start with from crimps to jug then the hard mantle at the left side
6B+ Mello (coming soon) Boulder 2013-05-02
Red point
Red point
Il tendine
5+ Boulder at Val di Mello (Visido)
nice line along a juggy crack
5+ Val di Mello (Visido) Boulder 2013-05-02
6C Boulder at Mariensee
first you climb through a overhango on some good slopers, then a nice move to the edge and catch a crimp for mantle
6C Mariensee Boulder 2013-04-17
Red point
Red point
La Directe de la Fosse aux Oreilles (raccourci)
6B Boulder at Drei Zinnen
funny wall with good holds
6B Drei Zinnen Boulder 2013-04-04
L'Étoile Rouge
6A Boulder at Drei Zinnen
overhanging boulder with good holds
6A Drei Zinnen Boulder 2013-04-04
La Nano
6B Boulder at Cul de Chien
hard boulder for the grade up the arete on "toit du cul de chien"
6A+ (6B) Cul de Chien Boulder 2013-04-03
La Goulotte
6A Boulder at 91.1
funny little problem, like always with a hard mantle
6A 91.1 Boulder 2013-04-03
Le Toit du Cul de Chien
7A Boulder at Cul de Chien
just an all-time-classic...strange move with a heel-hook to reach from 2-finger-pocket to 3-finger-pocket on the edge of the roof, the DYYYYNO :)
7A+ (7A) Cul de Chien Boulder 2013-04-03
Red point
Red point
Le Flipper
6B Boulder at 91.1
awesome arete
6B 91.1 Boulder 2013-04-03
Red point
Red point
Le Surplomb de l'Éléphant
6A Boulder at Éléphant
hard first move to a sidepull, putting your feet up high and climb up the elephant
6A+ (6A) Éléphant Boulder 2013-04-02
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Éléphant
nice route up the elephant (nr.2 black) using slopers with your right hand and sideholds with your left
6A+ (6A) Éléphant Boulder 2013-04-02
Red point
Red point
Les Bossettes du Lépreux
6A Boulder at Éléphant
nice little mantle-problem
6A Éléphant Boulder 2013-04-02
Le Surplomb du Lépreux
6A Boulder at Éléphant
perfect route up the "lépreux"...using an undercling to reach some slopers
6A+ (6A) Éléphant Boulder 2013-04-02
Red point
Red point
La Voie Michaud
6C Boulder at Éléphant
hard dead-point-move to reach a bad side-crimps, then unstable hook to finish it up on jugs
6C+ (6C) Éléphant Boulder 2013-04-02
Red point
Red point
La Moreau
6A Boulder at Éléphant
climbing up some nice cracks
6A+ (6A) Éléphant Boulder 2013-04-02
L'Incommode, White 30
6A Boulder at Franchard Isatis
big move to a sloper, then a good hook to mantle up
6A Franchard Isatis Boulder 2013-04-01
Le Faux Baquet
7A Boulder at Franchard Isatis
good roof with beautiful pockets and some crimps to mantle up
7A Franchard Isatis Boulder 2013-04-01
Red point
Red point
Chapeau Chinois
6B Boulder at Roche aux Sabots
nice overhanging prow with compression-moves on slopers and crimps
6B Roche aux Sabots Boulder 2013-03-31
Le Mandarin sans convention
7B Boulder at Roche aux Oiseaux
nice sit-start from a good hold to bad slopers, then hook and finish through a crack/pinch
7B Roche aux Oiseaux Boulder 2013-03-31
Red point
Red point
L'Anar Chronique
7A+ Boulder at Roche aux Oiseaux
nice little roof with crimps and pockets
7A (7A+) Roche aux Oiseaux Boulder 2013-03-31
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Merkenstein
same start like "uga-aga-iga" but then you make a big move to the undercling of "t-61" and traverse right to the start of "swing".
7A Merkenstein Boulder 2013-03-21
Red point
Red point
Tiefer Sitzstart
7A+ Boulder at Kremstal
crazy deep sit-start with an akeward hook which makes posible all the movements
7A+ Kremstal Boulder 2013-03-08
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Fickerplatzl
nice boulder at the right side of the small cave...nice movements with crimps, hooks and a crazy 2-finger-pocket at the first boulder at Fickerplatzl :)
7A Fickerplatzl Boulder 2013-03-04
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Fickerplatzl
nice horizontal roof with good big moves on nice holds
6C Fickerplatzl Boulder 2013-03-04
Juan Rojas
7A+ Boulder at Pumita
niiiice overhanging prow at the sit-start with a flake and get an undercling, then reachy move to a bad crimp, toe-hook on the starting-flake, matching another crimp...then getting ready for a dyno to another crimp followed by another dyno & a campus-move...(actually i don't know name or grade, it's just my guess)...however a great boulder, nice gym-style :)
7A+ Pumita Boulder 2013-02-21
Red point
Red point
Orale Clarita, a la Chingada!!!
my test-peace-traverse at the boulder-wall of C.U....absolutely defined, hard stuff for me because really long, technical and pumpy until the end!!! jaja, so mayby a dumb-first-ascent ;)
7A+ Los techos de derecho - Ciudad Universitaria Boulder 2013-02-12
FA Red point
FA Red point
El abuelo
6A+ Boulder at Peña de Bernal
sharp crimps up a steep wall
6A+ Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-02-05
El noruego
6B+ Boulder at Peña de Bernal
the same like "abuelo", just sharper crimps :)
6B+ Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-02-05
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Peña de Bernal
nice roof-climbing on great holds with a technical finish up a awesome prow
6C+ Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-02-05
Red point
Red point
Cripe aviar
6B Boulder at Peña de Bernal
nice warm-up in the morning at 8 o'clock
6B Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-02-05
6C+ Boulder at Peña de Bernal
easy traverse on great holds with pumpy finish straight up in the center of the time psyched for "RPG" V7
6C+ Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-02-04
Red point
Red point
El Novato
6A Boulder at Peña de Bernal
nice corner for warm-up
6A Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-02-04
Lado obscuro del corazón
6B+ Boulder at Peña de Bernal
nice arete with a bad crimp for your right-hand and a high heel-hook to catch the lip of the boulder
6B+ Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-02-04
La Ola
6B+ Boulder at Peña de Bernal
my first boulder at Peña de Bernal...nice technical high-ball slab for warm-up...though it's quite scary without crash-pad
6B+ Peña de Bernal Boulder 2013-02-04