
Yearly top 10 averages
7a 0 0 0 0 0
6c+ 2 1 1 0 0
6c 3 1 0 0 2
6b+ 3 2 1 0 0
6b 5 5 0 0 0
6a+ 8 7 0 1 0
6a 6 6 0 0 0
5+ 4 3 1 0 0
5 3 3 0 0 0
4+ 0 0 0 0 0
4 2 2 0 0 0
3+ 0 0 0 0 0
Ascent date
Ascent type
Kilowatito (versión chimenea)
6a+ Traditional at Los Dinamos
first you climb a slam roof with a finger-crack, then easily up to an awesome steep hand-crack...but if you don't carry the correct gear you have to change left and climb a horrible chimney up to the anker :)
6b+ (6a+) Los Dinamos Traditional 2012-12-08
Red point
Red point
6a+ Traditional at Los Dinamos
nice long trad-route, actually did the first 2 pitches together...first pitch you climb a perfect paralello-hand-crack to a platform...then follow a finger-crack which you can climb like a chimney with the help of a big flake...then another platform and you fight up the last metres through an anyoning off-width :)
6b (6a+) Los Dinamos Traditional 2012-12-08
Ruta 2
6a Traditional at Los Dinamos - 4° Dinamo
another nice doble-crack
6a Los Dinamos - 4° Dinamo Traditional 2012-09-07
Ruta 3
6a+ Traditional at Los Dinamos - 4° Dinamo
great route with some metre on a fingercrack
6a+ Los Dinamos - 4° Dinamo Traditional 2012-09-07
Ruta 4
6b Traditional at Los Dinamos - 4° Dinamo
tecnical start on a slab (not easy to protect) followed by crack & chimney climbing
6b Los Dinamos - 4° Dinamo Traditional 2012-09-07
Ruta 1
6a+ Traditional at Los Dinamos - 4° Dinamo
nice crack climbing and a really long pitch...we had to improvise the rappel with our 50m-rope to gain the ground
6a+ Los Dinamos - 4° Dinamo Traditional 2012-09-07
Via Lisa
5+ Traditional at Ewige Jagdgründe
nice long route (30m) with many many cracks up the "Wig"...clean climbing again :)
5+ Ewige Jagdgründe Traditional 2012-05-28
5+ Traditional at Suesca
funny, short roofcrack, which you protect with 2-3 friends...looked much harder than it was :)
5+ Suesca Traditional 2011-09-04
Diagonal Crack
6b Traditional at clean up Val Masino
great diagonal crack on the backside of Sasso de Remenno
6b clean up Val Masino Traditional 2011-05-06
Il Risveglio di Kundalini
6a+ Traditional at Mello multi pitch
6a+/~410m/10 pitches -- really nice alpine-route at "Dimore degli Dei" wall. climbed it together with Ben & led all the pitches...Pitch 2 is already the crux-pitch (7-/40m) and at pitch 3 you have an endless beautiful crack (6+/40m)...then you follow up a huge corner, make a slab-traverse before you climb the exposed last pitches
6a+ Mello multi pitch Traditional 2011-05-03
Fessura della Disperazione
6b+ Traditional at Sergent Area
3 pitches, 90m, 6b+ THE eyecatcher on "Sergent-Wall", 3 pitches of desperately off-width climbing on a huge left-winding crack ;) ...climbed it together with Strong-Tom, on-sighted all the pitches & led no. 1 & no. 3. Pitch 1 is a good warm-up with a no-hand-position in the middle. Pitch 2 starting with a though vertical corner, followed by traversing the left-winding off-width. At pitch 3 you climb up vertical again and then squeeze inside the crack when it starts again to go left to the abseil-platform.
6b+ Sergent Area Traditional 2011-04-26
6a Traditional at Sergent Area
great pitch along a superb parallelo-crack
6a Sergent Area Traditional 2011-04-25
The Inshallah Factor
6c Traditional at Wadi Rum
15 pitches, 450m, E.D. Inf. climbed free ;) THE route on the Jebel Rum East Face which catches the eye, great & epic!!! hard cracks, corners & off-widths at the beginning of the centre-wall. Originally parts were climbed with aid, especially pitch 5 (6c) is really serious with poor protection when climbed free. Niki, Peter & me climbed it together, i red-pointed all the pitches + led no. 5 (the serious crux-pitch), 6, 12 & 13 :) The middlepart is scary too with slabs, poor protection & loose rock. The headwall is climbed by winding left to the "Fire-Exit-Chimneys", where you're just very deep inside Jebel Rum ;) Then you get out of it and can look down throught the "Eye of Allah", where originally starts the abseiling. we then had a scary abseiling through the night and unknown terrain :)
7a (6c) Wadi Rum Traditional 2011-02-27
6b Traditional at Wadi Rum
6b/~350m/7-8 pitches (4/6a/6b/6a/6a/6b/6a/4) "If you like crack-climbing, do Lionheart!" (some Czech-climbers) ...great line along some crack & corner-systems up the Abu Aina Towers, really sustainted and hard for the grade... climbed it together with Niki & Peter, onsighted all the pitches & led no. 1, 2 & 3. In Pitch 1 & 2 (4 & 6a) you climb up a good chimney and you can do them in one pitch. Pitch 3 (6b/~45m) is a kingline, first you have great finger-locks up a crack in a corner, then climb up chimney (where you can stay until the end of the pitch) and then change to a really exposed arete. I think the best pitch i've ever led. Pitch 4 (6a) has a slightly overhanging wide crack (camelot no.4) which seemed much harder than 6a for me and then a slab. Pitch 5 (6a) is just an endless corner with perfect jams to get at another chimney at pitch 6 (6b) from where you finallely traverse to the headwall for exposed slab-climbing at pitch 7 (6a) and an easy last pitch (4) to gain the top of the Abu-Aina-Towers... Just an awesome route!!!
6b+ (6b) Wadi Rum Traditional 2011-02-24
Ka Kush, Ka Hasch
6a Traditional at Wadi Rum
6a/~100m/3 pitches (5/5+/6a) a really nice line which we found when we were soloing "Sabbah's Route" to get to the South Summit of Jebel Khush Khashah. We came back the next day & just tried to climb it. Pitch 1 (5) is a dirty off-width & chimney, pitch 2 (5+) goes up a scary vertical mushroom-wall, so there's a lot off loose rock and bad protection. Then you make stance in a little cave from where you start for pitch 3 (6a), an amazing blank corner with a parallel crack with lots off good hand & fist jams. Climbed it together with Niki, we onsighted all the pitches, he led no. 1 & 3, i led no. 2.
6a Wadi Rum Traditional 2011-02-21
FA On-sight
FA On-sight
Merlin's Wand (Super Crack of Rum)
6a+ Traditional at Wadi Rum
6a+/~150m/5 pitches (5+/6a/6a+/5+/5) incredible steep crack-line with perfect protection and lots off face-holds. Climbed it together with Madhou (who led his first trad-lead) & led all the pitches except pitch 1.
6a+ Wadi Rum Traditional 2011-02-16
Le Bal des Chameaux
5 Traditional at Wadi Rum
5/~100m/3 pitches (?) an obvious climb up the Arche Tower from the Remy-brothers, so it's adventureous & scary ;) we just climbed the first pitch (5/corner) but then didn't know how to continue...the abseil was confusing & dangerous too ;)
5 Wadi Rum Traditional 2011-02-15
Cat Fish Corner
6c Traditional at Wadi Rum
6c/~100m/3 pitches (6a+/6c/6a) a HUGE corner at Jebel Kharazeh...sustainted & pumpy climbing at pitch 1 to a good ledge. Pitch 2 (6c/35-40m) goes up further the corner but the crack is really fine & the walls are blank. Climbed it together with Peter & Madhou but didn't red-point pitch 2, where i had a huge 8-metres-whipper only held by a 0.3 camelot ;)
6c Wadi Rum Traditional 2011-02-14
Top rope
Top rope
6b Traditional at Wadi Rum
6b/~180m/5 pitches (5+/6b/5/5-/6a+) 5 fine pitches at the Jebel Rum East Face, pitch 2 (6b/crack with the crux at the end) and pitch 5 (6a+/up a fine flake) are the best... climbed it together with Peter & Madhou (his first trad-route), on-sighted all the pitches & led no. 2,3 & 4.
6b Wadi Rum Traditional 2011-02-13
The Beauty
6a Traditional at Wadi Rum
6a/~200m/5 pitches The name says it all!!! just a unique route up the west-face of Jebel um Ejil. Climbed it together with Peter & led pitch no. 1, 3 & 5. At pitch 5 (incredible off-width) you normally get nice afternoon-sun and the following two pitches (4+ & 2/3) to the top you can easily solo ;)
6a Wadi Rum Traditional 2011-02-12
5+ Traditional at Wadi Rum
5c/~120m/3 or 4 pitches really nice warm-up route on Jebel Rum east-face to get used to the rock & the style of climbing... climbed it together with Peter and led pitch no. 2 (5c/40m) where you climb up a fine corner and than change to a nice finger-crack and follow this to a platform. That's the "Goldfinger"--> great pitch!!!
5+ Wadi Rum Traditional 2011-02-11
Via Lara
4 Traditional at Hægefjell
4/~350m/free-solo -- impressive experience...great long route up a logical crack-system...did it two times free-solo, the first time in about 40 min., the second time in about 30 min.
4 Hægefjell Traditional 2010-09-05
Mot Sola
6a Traditional at Hægefjell
6a+/355m/9 pitches -- great route with great cracks
6a+ (6a) Hægefjell Traditional 2010-09-04
5 Traditional at Svolværgeita
5/128m/4 pitches -- superb route up the Svolvaergaita...climbed it with Peter & just led the last pitch to the summit when there came a huge thunderstorm & i got quite wet at the hang-belay on the jump this time :)
5 Svolværgeita Traditional 2010-08-30
Svenske diedret
6b+ Traditional at Paradiset
6b+/22m -- very technical climbing up a dihedral...was belaying Niki at the first try, so no on-sight, but Ben did it solo later :)
6b+ Paradiset Traditional 2010-08-28
6c+ Traditional at Paradiset
6c+/14m -- excellent finger-locks up a steep crack with some technical metres at the end
6c+ Paradiset Traditional 2010-08-28
6c Traditional at Paradiset
6+ (Norvegean Grade), 70m, 2 pitches ...awesome huge crack in a blank wall high on "Vågakallen". You can easily see the route from the camp at "Paradiset", but the approach up there is really though (we called it vegetation-climbing in the 6th grade)... Peter climbed the first pitch (6a+/25m) which is a corner followed by a small roof and some vertical metres with great hand & fist-jamming. I led the huge second pitch (6b/45m) along the off-width, but didn't red-point it because it felt much much harder, about 6c/7a in my opinion (so i choose top-rope as ascent type) the platform after the crack we stopped, because the Lofoten guide-book didn't have any information about the next pitches...but it should be possible to continue i guess :)
6c Paradiset Traditional 2010-08-27
Top rope
Top rope
5+ Traditional at Paradiset
5+/14m -- nice trad-pitch up a huge time solo :)
5+ Paradiset Traditional 2010-08-26
6c+ Traditional at The Coast
6c+/135m/4 pitches (6b+/6b/6c+/4) -- hard & sustained climbing up the steep Jonfru Pillaren... climbed it with Tom & Niki on a real windy day: i led pitch 1 (piaz, finger crack & traverse), Niki pitch 2 (groove, off-width, overhang & hand-jams, probably 7a) & Tom pitch 3 (slab with fine cracks & a super-steep handcrack at the end)...pitch 4 is easy, but we were really distroyed on the top :)
6c+ The Coast Traditional 2010-08-25
Fire forsøk
6b+ Traditional at Festvåg
6b+/~80m/3 pitches -- nice route with a steep finger & hand crack at pitch 3.
6b+ Festvåg Traditional 2010-08-23
6a+ Traditional at Festvåg
6a+/~90m/3 pitches (5+/6a+/5) -- funny route which goes up nice corners, then a little roof at pitch 2 & zig-zag-cracks at pitch 3.
6a+ Festvåg Traditional 2010-08-20
6a Traditional at Festvåg
6a/30m -- really futuristic crack up a steep wall...looks much harder than it is, lots off face-holds :)
6a Festvåg Traditional 2010-08-20
6b Traditional at Presten
6b/~460m/11-12 pitches -- incredible route on Presten...a real voyage, especially the "Slannting Corner" pitch is good as hell. climbed it with Tom (we changed lead at every pitch) in about 7 hours (we started at 1 pm) never have stress with the time there in summer, so we made lots off smoking-breaks ;)
6b Presten Traditional 2010-08-19
5 Traditional at Gandalf
4+ (or ~6b at pitch no.3)/100m/3 pitches -- nice & easy route up the Gandalfveggen, at pitch 3 you can directly climb trough the tricky "eagle-nest-roof" to make it a little more difficult :)
6b (5) Gandalf Traditional 2010-08-18
Gamle rev
6a+ Traditional at Gandalf
6b/95m/2 pitches -- two really good pitches (6b & 6a) up the Gandalfveggen. climbed it with Tom & abseiled on a huge 100m fixed rope...let's do another route :)
6b (6a+) Gandalf Traditional 2010-08-18
Bare blåbær
4 Traditional at Djupfjord
4/236m/7 pitches -- nice warm-up route with everything you need: corners, finger & hand cracks, flakes...should be great to climb it solo, but you also would have to down-climb it....climbed it with Tom together with Peter & Gabriel, the approach through Djupfjord is beautiful as well & you find lots off blueberries :)
4+ (4) Djupfjord Traditional 2010-08-17