Sit-start matched on a right-facing sidepull on the left side of the face. Reach up and left to an edge and a fun lip encounter. (FA Trent Hoover, 2014)
Sit-start using mini-jug. Climb up and slightly left on crimps to gain a good edge high on the face. From here, exit directly above via hidden, sloping dishes, or reach/jump to a jug far out left. (FA Trent Hoover, 2014)
Sit-start using the same start hold as "Flying Fox". After the first crimp on that problem, head up and sharply right via a sidepull and little undercling. Using either the lip/arete up and right, or a long reach off the undercling, gain a face jug, the horn on the lip, and tricky mantle to finish. (FA Trent Hoover, 2014)
Sit-start using the long edge on the right side of the boulder. Reach left to the prominent sidepull, then head up to the prominent notch in the lip above. With difficulty, use this to gain the good sidepull in the corner above. Topout by highstepping and rolling onto the slab. WAY harder than it looks. (FA Trent Hoover, 2014)
With a hand low on each arete, compressing the boulder, sit-start the face the climber in the picture is looking at. Slap your right hand along the arete/lip until you can gain a couple of cool jugs at the peak of the overhanging face. A tricky topout with a bad landing awaits. (FA Mark Derksen, 2014)