V4. Sit-start with left-hand on obvious edge, and right-hand on lowest good sidepull. Climb the compression feature and arete. (FA Mark Derksen, 2013)
V2. Sit start, with left-hand on leaning rail, and right-hand low on sidepull/pinch. Follow the line of edges, trending left to top-out.
V1. Sit-start on flat rock, using opposing, good sidepulls. Go up arête, and top out just left. (FA Dan Anhorn, 2016)
V2/3. Sit-start in overhang right of arete, matched on sloper/edges in triangular alcove. Bust some moves left into the start of "Tequila Mockingbird", and finish up that arete. (FA Dan Anhorn, 2016)
V1. Sit-start the same as, or just right of, "Tequila Mockingbird low". Climb directly up the face above, to the middle of the lip, and mantle onto the slab.
V3. Sit start left hand on sloper on arete, and right hand on blocky hold just under lip in cave. Move to corner of arete and up. (FA Mark Derksen, 2014)