V0/1. Stand-start with right-hand edge and left-hand sloper, around chest-height. Climb slab, using the blunt arete to your left.
V2. Stand-start using chest-height edges. Move up and right, using obvious rail for your left-hand, and some crimps out right.
V6/7. Sit-start as per "Giddy Up", but push out left immediately, into a tricky crimp/edge sequence, gaining the start holds of "Side Saddle" and finishing up from there.
V6. Sit-start using small, side-by-side edges low in the middle of the face. Climb directly up face above.
V1/2. Sit-start below the huge rail, left-hand on a sidepull edge, right-hand anywhere lower. Move up to shelf, then finish as per "Low Brow".
V2. Start, and climb, as per "Low Brow". From the end of the huge rail, continue left, using an edge or two to gain another large rail below the lip of the boulder. Top out directly above. Another variation (contrived, same grade) uses crimps below the upper rail to gain a jug further left. (FA Dan Anhorn, 2016)
V0. Sit-start matched on right end of huge rail. Traverse left, to end of rail, then move up to the lip to top out. (FA Dan Anhorn, 2016)
V0. Start as per "Low Brow", but go directly up.