Sit-start matched on good horn feature. Reach left to the arete, and continue up the right side of the arete. (FA Evan Erickson, 2015)
Sit-start matched on good edge. Head up and left. A high left foot, and big right arm lock-off, may prove useful. (FA Mark Derksen, 2015)
Sit-start with good left-hand sidepull, and large right-hand block. A couple of easier moves on large edges set you up for the big reach to the left arete. (FA Trent Hoover, 2015)
Start as per "Tonic", but head right, through some incut crimps. (FA Trent Hoover, 2015)
Sit-start with incut crimp for your right hand, and flat right-facing edge for your left. Head up and left to join the finish of "Burning Lime". (FA Trent Hoover, 2015)