(V5is) Stand-start matched on large jug above head-height. Move up and slightly left, through the gently overhanging face and the bulge above. Once above the bulge, move right to top-out. Highball.
V8ish. SIt-start using obvious right-hand sidepull, and opposing left-hand sidepull. Move up and right through a powerful sequence to join "The Prophet".
(V3ish) High stand-start (stack pads if necessary) using right-hand incut edge way above your head, and left-hand on the large undercling feature at your waist/torso. Move straight up, using crack and face holds.
V5+. Sit-start as per "The Prophet sit", but move up and left to join "Mecca". Alternatively, start using a crescent-shaped crimp-rail a bit further left, at more or less the same difficulty.