Start matched on waist-height rail. Climb right, to holds around the arete. Continue right, to top out in the gap between boulders. (FA Trent Hoover, 2013)
V4. Stand-start matched on large sloping rail. Move left to a good sidepull/edge, then up and right to lip. (FA Evan Erickson, 2014)
Start using giant notch-sloper on the arete (blocked in picture by small boulder in foreground) and/or large, sloping edge in the middle of the face right of that. Move up to the lip, traverse right to the hanging prow, and follow the prow up and right to top out. (FA Kyle Marco, 2014)
Climb "Feed the Need", but instead of topping-out the prow, continue traversing right, to the peak of the sloping lip. Around 20 moves total, and very sustained (if not progressively harder). Pumpy 5.12+ might be a more accurate assessment.
V6. Sit-start using incut right-hand sidepull, and move straight up into "Feed the Need". (FA Evan Erickson, 2014)
Sit-start matched on good, incut mini-jug. Reach up to a fat pinch/sidepull, then pull to the lip. A tricky mantle awaits. (FA Trent Hoover, 2013)
Start with right-hand pinch on arete, left-hand sloping sidepull. Climb the left side of the arete. (FA Trent Hoover, 2013)