V3. Stand-start matched at low, left end of lip. Traverse lip up and right, topping out at the peak. (FA Trent Hoover, 2019)
V8/9. Sit-start as per "Wind Shadow low". After the first move, traverse right, through a tricky edge/crimp sequence, to finish on "Shadow of Doubt".
V4. Sit-start at left side of face, using right-hand sidepull crimp, and left-hand gaston or sidepull. Move up and left to join the stand-start. (FA Trent Hoover, 2019)
V6. Sit-start using very low opposing sidepull crimps. Climb more or less directly up to the peak. (FA Mark Derksen, 2019)
V6/7. Stand-start at good chest-height edges in the middle of "Shadow of a Mans". Make a tricky dyno up and right to the lip on "Two O'Clock Shadow" and finish up that line.
V6/7. Crouch-start using good right-hand sidepull edge, and anything lower for your left. Move left to a good edge, followed by tensiony moves to gain the lip up and right. Move left to top out.
V4. Stand-start matched on hold complex just below far right end of lip. Move up to lip, then traverse up and left, topping out at peak. (FA Trent Hoover, 2019)