V4. Sit-start with left-hand low on arete, and right-hand on a highly-textured edge in the overhang. Climb up and right, along lip, to peak of the boulder. (FA Kyle Marco, 2015)
V7/8. Sit-start at the far right end of the long lip. Follow the lip up and left through a series of increasingly difficult moves. (FA Evan Erickson, 2007)
V2. Sit-start using low right-hand pinch, and left-hand on a small undercling. Move up through large, angled holds to a nice mantle. (FA Mark Derksen, 2014)
V1. Sit-start under the bulgy feature in the corner of the cave area. Move up and into the large blocky feature, and mantle above. (FA Mark Derksen, 2014)