Sit-start using a good sidepull jug (R) and good edge (L). Follow the arete and face holds up and right, to a fun topout. (FA Trent Hoover, 2014)
Stand-start using a high right-facing sidepull/undercling. Move up and slightly left to a wicked dog-bone pinch, a trio of nice sloping edges, and the moment of truth . . . Snagging the lip is the crux, and it's not quite over after that.
Start on large, left-facing rail. Head up towards more left-facing rails using hard-to-find edges and tricky feet. Crux is up high; be cautious of the boulder behind you. (FA Trent Hoover, 2014)
Stand-start deep in the corner. Follow obvious, flat rails up and left, before a tricky move to a hard-to-see slot up high. (FA Trent Hoover, 2014)
Climb the face, using the arete on your left. (FA Trent Hoover, 2013)