V4. Sit-start, and climb the right-side of the arete, (FA Kyle Marco)
V1. Sit-start matched in the overhanging section of the finger-crack. Move directly up the crack, and onto the slab above.
V7. Sit-start, matched, underclinging the finger-crack in the overhang. Move up and left, compressing left-facing crimps and edges, and the right-hand crack, eventually gaining incut rails on the slab to top out.
V3. Stand-start, and climb the right side of the arete, until you can gain the obvious, high fin feature with your right hand. Use this to rock onto, and finish up, the slab.
V5. Start, and climb, as per "Abstract Reality", but continue along the right side of the arete, topping out at the peak of the boulder.
V1/2. Start as per "Abstract Reality", but head up and left, away from arete and immediately onto slab.
V4. Start matched on obvious left-facing flake-jug. Move up and left to gain arete, then climb the right side of the arete, topping out at the peak of the boulder.
V4. Start as per "The Miracle", but head up and right, to the arete/lip, before heading back left, to rejoin "The Miracle" at its top-out.
V4. Start right of the arete on a slopey pod and a low, good edge. Hit a sharp, right-facing sidepull, then continue up through a good rail, topping out onto the slab.